Terminal Pasting Issues (Solved)

It is odd that every app, VM, Virt Manager all copy & paste just fine. The terminals are butts. I use both Zsh (99%) and bash. I have looked at both configs and there is nothing there that I see would cause it. Just don’t know.
I have removed Zsh and reinstalled it with a stock RC file and still the same.

Hahaha. I was hoping to avoid the reinstall butttttt not out of the question… :crazy_face:
I would like to know what is causing this before the nuke and pave… Lol

I do use a install script that installs all the same software on all the systems and copies my configs from my gitlab. that is why there all the same… :rofl:
I just don’t get it…
I always get these ballbusters of a issue… Lol

Did you set a xterm $TERM env variable? Maybe something in .xdefaults or .xresources?

Also, here’s two resources that may help you dig into it as well

this is my .Xresources & .xdefaults file…

Xft.dpi: 96
Xft.antialias: true
Xft.hinting: true
Xft.rgba: rgb
Xft.autohint: true
Xft.hintstyle: hintfull
Xft.lcdfilter: lcdfilter

XTerm*renderFont: true
XTerm*faceName: xft:Mononoki Nerd Font
XTerm*faceSize: 12
XTerm*utf8: 2
XTerm*locale: true

XTerm.vt100.translations: #override \n\
  Ctrl <Key> j: smaller-vt-font() \n\
  Ctrl <Key> k: larger-vt-font()

! Every shell is a login shell by default (for inclusion of all necessary environment variables)
XTerm*loginshell: true

! I like a LOT of scrollback...
XTerm*savelines: 16384

! double-click to select whole URLs :D
XTerm*charClass: 33:48,36-47:48,58-59:48,61:48,63-64:48,95:48,126:48

URxvt*imLocale: en_US.UTF-8
URxvt*termName: rxvt-unicode-256color
Urxvt*buffered: false
URxvt.intensityStyles: false
URxvt.font: xft:UbuntuMono Nerd Font:size=13, \
            xft:Inconsolata Nerd Font Mono:size=13, \
            xft:DejaVuSansMono Nerd Font:size=13, \
            xft:DroidSansMono Nerd Font:size=13, \
            xft:FuraMono Nerd Font:size=13, \
            xft:RobotoMono Nerd Font:size=13, \
            xft:Noto Sans Mono:size=13, \
URxvt.saveLines: 2000
URxvt.scrollBar: false
URxvt.cursorColor: white

!! Extensions
URxvt.perl-ext-common: default,matcher,resize-font,url-select,keyboard-select,clipboard
URxvt.colorUL: #4682B4
!! url-select
URxvt.keysym.M-u: perl:url-select:select_next
URxvt.url-select.launcher: urxvt -e lynx -cfg=~/.lynx.cfg -lss=~/.lynx.lss
URxvt.url-select.underline: true
!! keyboard-select:
URxvt.keysym.M-Escape: perl:keyboard-select:activate
!! resize-font
URxvt.resize-font.smaller: C-j
URxvt.resize-font.bigger:  C-k
!! Matcher
URxvt.url-launcher:	urxvt -e lynx -cfg=~/.lynx.cfg -lss=~/.lynx.lss
URxvt.matcher.button: 1
URxvt.keysym.M-c: perl:clipboard:copy
URxvt.keysym.M-v: perl:clipboard:paste
URxvt*depth: 32

! Dracula Xresources palette

! special
! URxvt*foreground:   #bbc5ff
! URxvt*background:   [100]#292d3e
! URxvt*cursorColor:  #bbc5ff

! XTerm*foreground: #bbc5ff
! XTerm*background: #292d3e
! XTerm*cursorColor: #bbc5ff

! black
! *.color0:       #101010  !! originally #292d3e
! *.color8:       #434758

! ! red
! *.color1:       #f07178
! *.color9:       #ff8b92

! ! green
! *.color2:       #c3e88d
! *.color10:      #ddffa7

! ! yellow
! *.color3:       #ffcb6b
! *.color11:      #ffe585

! blue
! *.color4:       #82aaff
! *.color12:      #9cc4ff

! magenta
! *.color5:       #c792ea
! *.color13:      #e1acff

! cyan
! *.color6:       #89ddff
! *.color14:      #a3f7ff

! white
! *.color7:       #d0d0d0
! *.color15:      #ffffff
!   Nord colors
! Copyright (c) 2016-present Arctic Ice Studio <development@arcticicestudio.com>
! Copyright (c) 2016-present Sven Greb <code@svengreb.de>

! Project:    Nord XResources
! Version:    0.1.0
! Repository: https://github.com/arcticicestudio/nord-xresources
! License:    MIT

#define nord0 #2E3440
#define nord1 #3B4252
#define nord2 #434C5E
#define nord3 #4C566A
#define nord4 #D8DEE9
#define nord5 #E5E9F0
#define nord6 #ECEFF4
#define nord7 #8FBCBB
#define nord8 #88C0D0
#define nord9 #81A1C1
#define nord10 #5E81AC
#define nord11 #BF616A
#define nord12 #D08770
#define nord13 #EBCB8B
#define nord14 #A3BE8C
#define nord15 #B48EAD

*.foreground:   nord4
*.background:   nord0
*.cursorColor:  nord4
*fading: 35
*fadeColor: nord3

*.color0: nord1
*.color1: nord11
*.color2: nord14
*.color3: nord13
*.color4: nord9
*.color5: nord15
*.color6: nord8
*.color7: nord5
*.color8: nord3
*.color9: nord11
*.color10: nord14
*.color11: nord13
*.color12: nord9
*.color13: nord15
*.color14: nord7
*.color15: nord6

No I have not…

Like I said, did not change anything, I just did a update of Endeavour… Lol

I use Window managers and have all my own keybindings set.
I will look that the 2nd link about the clipboard.

Also I don’t have a clipboard manager installed. Just whatever Endeavour & Cinnamon install that has worked up to 6 weeks ago before this awesome ride started… Lol

Yep! I have read these already but thanks for trying… Lol

This says everything, and makes things simple.
Just compare folders and files :person_shrugging: :wink:

As a quick check you could try renaming/deleting selected dot files like Xresources (harmless), or other (not bashrc, xprofile, profile). Comparing should reveal the issue source IMHO.

I don’t have either of them…
Can you make them go away by renaming them and re-login?

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Removed .Xresources & .xdefaults files along with .bashrc and .zshrc (one at a time for these) and still the same thing. I’m sure I have tried this before too.
I even logged in to both my user and the new user I added today per request.

Even though I have NOT changed any config files in 6 weeks I went through them over and over and I just don’t see anything…
I don’t get what is different in my user and the new one I added today that makes this double paste thing happen and not happen. I even added the new user to the Admin/wheel group just like me and NO double pasting.


I don’t use a .xinitrc, .xprofile, just a .profile and it is mostly empty, just pointing to my ~/bin folder. Well comparing has not helped yet… So I guess it doesn’t say enough… Lol

Well… a simple reinstall on one machine will tell if it helps…
If you do so, make sure to backup anything important like personal data.

What’s that now? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Did you make this file, or is it someone else’s config?

A, the internet… Lol No I did not make it.
It could be from Distro Tube, Old Tech Bloke, it’s hard to say. I have used it for 4 years with no issues. It does makes Xterm look better… Lol

Well the nuke and pave will most likely be what I will do.
I keep a separate /Home on its own drive and just mount it after a install in the fstab.
Yes I do and that’s what my XBT backup script and USB drive is for… :crazy_face:

Will report back in a day or two. thanks for your help!

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Well, I am the biggest dumb, idiot, old fart, dun ass that has ever laid hands on a keyboard. :exploding_head:
I said that is was switching between Bash & Zsh when I was doing the testing for the double pasting in any terminal.

Well my dumb ass for got to logout when switching from Zsh to Bash when testing.
I found the issue and here is why the logout was a thing.
When switching from Zsh to Bash, some of the Zsh settings must still be in memory and effecting Bash’s output as well. The sad part I was doing this the hole time and never once thought about logging out! :frowning_face:

I have had 5 hours of fun logging in and out just to find out the issue was my Zsh theme prompt. For some reason Powerlevel 10k Theme is broke! It is a old version and it was working so I did not bother to update it and NOW it is NOT working…
I have not really installed my .oh-my-zsh folder I just copy it to the new systems because of the custom themes I have made…

I went through my .zshrc file one section at a time and rewrote it and that is how I figured it out. My best guess is that something changed in Zsh that my old 10k theme did not like!
All 3 computers are copying and pasting as they should!
Thanks everyone for your help and thoughts! This is the best forum Ever! :smiley:

if using oh-my I would recommend to use the git way not the package… as it will ask for updating on its own… and on users config… package will not do this I think…

I am using it that way for years without a little issue…

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You’re using that BLOAT?!?!?


Breaks my heart.

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sorry … but i mentioned already that i like my personal bloat a lot! :package:
I am working on a new OS
Only TTY no bloat not even X no bootloader no mouse drivers.
issue here solved.