SystemD boot + secure boot + TPM2 unlocking + UKI + Dual boot (windows) + Dracut + BTRFS + LUKS2 + boot from Snapshots


Long story short, maybe the title is kind of self explainatory…

SystemD boot + secure boot + TPM2 unlocking + Unified Kernel Image (UKI mandatory for secure boot?) + Dual boot (windows) + BTRFS + LUKS2 + Dracut + boot from Snapshots
be possible ?

I mean, I guess nothing is impossible, right ?

In fact, would it worth the pain to explore the hows and whys of such an installation ? !Would it be “doable” ?

From what I understood, the “worst” part would be to boot from Snapshots (compare to GRUB) ?
Would such an install be possible with EndeavourOS ?

Of course, if anybody has already achieve such an install and would be kind enough to share some thoughts…


My short answer: SystemD boot + boot from snapshots is currently “impossible” for newbies/beginners in year 2023.

UKI is not mandatory for secure boot.

However, both systemd-boot and/or UKI will block reliably booting from snapshots. This is because to reliably boot a snapshot, you need to have the kernels and boot images be inside the snapshot. With both systemd-boot and UKI’s those move to the EFI partition and are not contained in snapshots.

Why? I’m running systemd boot and I can boot snapshots. It isn’t as comfortable as with grub, but possible.

But I have to admit, you have to tinker with some scripts and config files to automate things.

How are you dealing with the mismatched kernel and modules issue? Did you build automation where you copy the old modules or something?

The script takes a snapshot and I’ve to use a larger boot partition. When the snapshot is taken, the recent kernel.img, etc. gets copied, renamed and the script changes the /etc/fstab inside the snapshot and changes the loader entries to reflect the date of the snapshot taken.

Well guess it’s a lot of tinkering :smiley:

If you just want to have it running, grub would be the better choice.

DISCLAIMER: You should understand the Script, and perhaps you have to modify it to fit your needs, to make it work on your system. Don‘t use it blindly, Grub + btrfs is the easier and perhaps better alternative.


# Create btrfs snapshot in .snapshots/STABLE and move kernel,ramfs to bootloader
# triggered by 00-autosnap.hook for pacman


# Move snapshot 4 to Position 5
$BTRFS sub delete /.snapshots/STABLE5
$BTRFS sub snap /.snapshots/STABLE4 /.snapshots/STABLE5

$SED -i 's|subvol=@snapshots/STABLE4\t|subvol=@snapshots/STABLE5 |' /.snapshots/STABLE5/etc/fstab
$SED -i 's|subvol=@snapshots/STABLE4 |subvol=@snapshots/STABLE5 |' /.snapshots/STABLE5/etc/fstab

$MV /boot/vmlinuz-linux-stable4 /boot/vmlinuz-linux-stable5
$MV /boot/amd-ucode-stable4.img /boot/amd-ucode-stable5.img
$MV /boot/initramfs-linux-stable4.img /boot/initramfs-linux-stable5.img

$CP /boot/loader/entries/stable4.conf /boot/loader/entries/stable5.conf
$SED -i 's|stable4|stable5|' /boot/loader/entries/stable5.conf
$SED -i 's|STABLE4|STABLE5|' /boot/loader/entries/stable5.conf

# Move snapshot 3 to Position 4
$BTRFS sub delete /.snapshots/STABLE4
$BTRFS sub snap /.snapshots/STABLE3 /.snapshots/STABLE4

$SED -i 's|subvol=@snapshots/STABLE3\t|subvol=@snapshots/STABLE4 |' /.snapshots/STABLE4/etc/fstab
$SED -i 's|subvol=@snapshots/STABLE3 |subvol=@snapshots/STABLE4 |' /.snapshots/STABLE4/etc/fstab

$MV /boot/vmlinuz-linux-stable3 /boot/vmlinuz-linux-stable4
$MV /boot/amd-ucode-stable3.img /boot/amd-ucode-stable4.img
$MV /boot/initramfs-linux-stable3.img /boot/initramfs-linux-stable4.img

$CP /boot/loader/entries/stable3.conf /boot/loader/entries/stable4.conf
$SED -i 's|stable3|stable4|' /boot/loader/entries/stable4.conf
$SED -i 's|STABLE3|STABLE4|' /boot/loader/entries/stable4.conf

# Move snapshot 2 to Position 3
$BTRFS sub delete /.snapshots/STABLE3
$BTRFS sub snap /.snapshots/STABLE2 /.snapshots/STABLE3

$SED -i 's|subvol=@snapshots/STABLE2\t|subvol=@snapshots/STABLE3 |' /.snapshots/STABLE3/etc/fstab
$SED -i 's|subvol=@snapshots/STABLE2 |subvol=@snapshots/STABLE3 |' /.snapshots/STABLE3/etc/fstab

$MV /boot/vmlinuz-linux-stable2 /boot/vmlinuz-linux-stable3
$MV /boot/amd-ucode-stable2.img /boot/amd-ucode-stable3.img
$MV /boot/initramfs-linux-stable2.img /boot/initramfs-linux-stable3.img

$CP /boot/loader/entries/stable2.conf /boot/loader/entries/stable3.conf
$SED -i 's|stable2|stable3|' /boot/loader/entries/stable3.conf
$SED -i 's|STABLE2|STABLE3|' /boot/loader/entries/stable3.conf

# Move snapshot 1 to Position 2
$BTRFS sub delete /.snapshots/STABLE2
$BTRFS sub snap /.snapshots/STABLE1 /.snapshots/STABLE2

$SED -i 's|subvol=@snapshots/STABLE1\t|subvol=@snapshots/STABLE2 |' /.snapshots/STABLE2/etc/fstab
$SED -i 's|subvol=@snapshots/STABLE1 |subvol=@snapshots/STABLE2 |' /.snapshots/STABLE2/etc/fstab

$MV /boot/vmlinuz-linux-stable1 /boot/vmlinuz-linux-stable2
$MV /boot/amd-ucode-stable1.img /boot/amd-ucode-stable2.img
$MV /boot/initramfs-linux-stable1.img /boot/initramfs-linux-stable2.img

$CP /boot/loader/entries/stable1.conf /boot/loader/entries/stable2.conf
$SED -i 's|stable1|stable2|' /boot/loader/entries/stable2.conf
$SED -i 's|STABLE1|STABLE2|' /boot/loader/entries/stable2.conf

# Take new snapshot on Position 1
$BTRFS sub delete /.snapshots/STABLE1
$BTRFS sub snap / /.snapshots/STABLE1

$SED -i 's|subvol=@\t|subvol=@snapshots/STABLE1 |' /.snapshots/STABLE1/etc/fstab
$SED -i 's|subvol=@ |subvol=@snapshots/STABLE1 |' /.snapshots/STABLE1/etc/fstab

$CP /boot/vmlinuz-linux /boot/vmlinuz-linux-stable1
$CP /boot/amd-ucode.img /boot/amd-ucode-stable1.img
$CP /boot/initramfs-linux.img /boot/initramfs-linux-stable1.img

$SED -i '/title/a title\tArch Linux - Snapshot - '"`date`"' -' /boot/loader/entries/stable1.conf 
$SED -i '1d' /boot/loader/entries/stable1.conf

I’ve extended the script for snapshot resorting and boot entry with dates in it, the original basic version I’ve found in an arch install tutorial.


Oh, I see. You basically built the snapshot process around that.

I think it would be tricky to make that approach work for someone who wants to use timeshift or snapper.

Perhaps it isn’t thought through to the end. But til now it seemed to work.

No, I think it is good. :slightly_smiling_face:

It is just made to serve your specific needs as opposed to being a general purpose solution.

about the UKI

better by foxboron

Many months ago I had thought about a new feature for systemd-boot:


It looks like the feature is done.