Sway Edition - General Conversation!

FYI for whatever reason display settings are something I hate managing without a GUI. nwg-displays has been working great for me, does not require the rest of the nwg-shell project to use with sway.

yeah and arch adapted nwg-look… very plezant since lxapereance-gtk3 is broken. :slight_smile:

Has anyone managed to get a clipboard manager to work with the default eos sway config. I tried some but with no luck.

I have been using cliphist for a while now. It’s very simple but works great.

In my Sway config like this:

# cliphist
exec wl-paste --type text --watch cliphist store
exec wl-paste --type image --watch cliphist store

It’s best to have two instances like that, one for text and one for images so copying images out of the web browser works “normally”.

I set up these bindings for it:

    # Launch the clipboard manager
    bindsym $mod+Ctrl+v exec cliphist list | fuzzel -d -w 90 -l 30 -p "Select an entry to copy it to your clipboard buffer:"| cliphist decode | wl-copy
    # Delete an entry from the clipboard manager
    bindsym $mod+Ctrl+x exec cliphist list | fuzzel -d -w 90 -l 30 -t cc9393ff -S cc9393ff -p "Select an entry to delete it from cliphist:"| cliphist delete
    # Note: you can clear all cliphist entries by running `cliphist wipe`

I am using Fuzzel as you can see, but cliphist can use any picker you want (I think the Sway config on EOS GitHub is using Wofi). They have some examples of how to set it up with different pickers in the README: https://github.com/sentriz/cliphist?tab=readme-ov-file#picker-examples


As a long time i3 user decided to give Sway a go and I am very impressed. Most things will work out of the box as they do in i3 with a some small exceptions but nothing too difficult to figure out.

Running Sway with Waybar and switched out Wofi for Rofi-wayland which works the same as it does in Xorg.

Quick tip:

If you want to find useful information then swaymsg is your friend :wink:

swaymsg -t get_tree

Comes in handy when you want to assign that application to a certain workspace. [instance]

Right I am out of here before Joe catches me…

Or use swaybar with i3blocks or i3status-rs :metal::grin:

I just used the github script to install Sway on EndeavourOS. Quite impressive, though I’ve had to make a few tweaks. Congrats to the developers!

Welcome to the EndeavourOS forum. I hope you enjoy your time here.

The Community Edition was maintained by various community members with an interest in a particular DE or WM. The developers had little to do with it other than occasionally offering help and assistance.

As it says at the CE github

unmaintained needs contributors or maintainer

If interested, contact @joekamprad

As far as I am aware of, correct me if I am wrong, SWAY is the only WM that offers Wayland or at least among the few WMs with Wayland.


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we have hyprland and labwc and wayfire some will knock me as of no joe that’s not a WM

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And yes i would love to see some development the edition is nice and working at the moment, but it could need some huge renovations… May one day we add it as the Wayland WM to the installer?

Do you have any labwc configs for endeavour? Looking to steal sorry borrow for testing purposes.

Know it uses elements of swag for background, screen lock etc.

Looking after RC.xml file (full) does have new features.

Waybar would panel of choice just need to add workspace applet. Rest should be easy.

A dynamic menu would be good, not sure if arch menus will work with it…

i took the rc.xml from lxqt :stuck_out_tongue: but there is also a rc.xml.all somewhere i use rofi as menu labwc-menu-generator there is but it has no icons the generator… good for add stuf menu different story?

Moved rc.xml.all to rc.xml as it had far more options. Running labwc at the moment with waybar. Managed to get conky running but little else.

Rofi is set up, need to flesh out root menu a bit.

Waybar needs a workspace switcher still looking at that.

Still prefer sway as it just works!

Looking to move to Sway from qtile. Anyone got a Sway config that is something like this?

As I’m actually considering to test sway as an alternative, mostly out of curiosity. I’ve tried to install sway on a fresh EnOS install in a VM. And unfortunately it doesn’t worked. After the installation and booting into the headless system & updating the mirrors, I cloned into the repo and executed the install script. After restart it fails to display a login prompt, the screen alternates between a blinking cursor and a mouse cursor being shown for a short period of time.

Will look into it within the next days I think. But if someone has an idea currently in how to tackle this, I’ld appreciate it.

Sadly I can’t really tell if I’ld be capable of maintaining it. As my bash fu and such is still at a beginner level.

We have had some issues getting Sway working in VMs lately. For a while it would just crash whenever an X11 app launched (so, as soon as the Welcome app started it would crash). I am pretty sure it’s the bug mentioned in these issues:

Here is the upstream issue:

Unfortunately it doesn’t seem to be going anywhere at the moment.

At some point, even the greeter stopped coming up (like you mentioned). I’m not sure if this is still the same bug or something else. A while back I had gotten it working by booting to the black screen, then switching to a TTY and downgrading a series of packages as described here:

A couple weeks ago when I tested again, even that hacky workaround was not working. I will have to take a closer look when I have time and see if I can cook up something else.

Fortunately, this is only an issue with VMs. If you have a chance to install on the metal, everything should “just work”.

By the way, even easier than the process you described (finishing the installation, rebooting to a TTY, cloning the community repo, running the install script, and rebooting again) is just pasting the URL for the Sway user_commands.bash file into the “Fetch your install customization file” thing in the live environment as described here: https://github.com/EndeavourOS-Community-Editions/sway?tab=readme-ov-file#with-the-eos-installer


Just paste that one line in there and it runs the script at the tail end of the installation process, so when you boot for the first time you already have everything set up.

Anyway, sorry for the bad news with the VM situation. I hope you get a chance to try it out on the metal.


Thank you for that detailed answer ! Very much appreciated !

As I’m a bit hesitant to commit fully to sway directly yet, I wanted to test it first within a VM as my current install of EnOS with KDE Plasma which is working quite well at the moment. I haven’t put the effort into backing up my dotfiles and such yet.

Guess I’ll install it on my secondary machine then instead of chasing the VM route.

Which I was able to do on the second try. Due to what ever reason the customize bash script for the EOS installer resulted in an error during install. Eventually I’ve copied the wrong link, can’t recall what went wrong. After booting into the shell it worked with cloning into the repo and triggering the installer script manually.

Thanks again !

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