Sway Edition - General Conversation!

The network module doesn’t always work propely…as in it doesn’t always launch nmtui propely so thats why we have this as well.

I was thinking of creating another fork were we Introfnce and test and new features before we lush to to the main one. I wanna move completely to font awesome to solve the icon problem.

Is not slightly weird to see the tray on the right side? I think most people are used to having it yhe other side? I was thinking of finding a way to set a max and min width and it would only execute it there is a applet…

I think that’s a slightly better approach?

But thank you for the suggestion! Its really nice to see more and more people using it!

Have a nice Sunday and stay safe!

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Oh well, that makes sense! Good to know

why not just a development branch?

that’s surely a good idea, my more than a solution is a workaround and also I’m used to have tray as last thing on the left so is way more natural. For general use probably your idea is best tho, I’ll see if I can find a way to help with this problem. Let me know if you decide for the entire fork instead of the branch so that I know on which project work :wink:

Good Sunday to you too! Stay safe

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I would need access to the repository to create a branch. Instead of all that it’s easier to just to create a seperate fork and merge change when needed. I’m gonna do that in a few minutes!



Sorry, I was under the opinion that you where the owner of the repository! That being said another small issue I’ve noticed: when booting the bluetooth service is enabled but my mouse doesn’t work (really any bluetooth device doesn’t work) until I open the bluetooth app at least ones. After that bluetooth works without any problems.

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better! no use tray :innocent:2021-03-08-no-tray-waybar


Someone know how I can make only the border of the bar transparent? Or give it an offset from the border of the screen? (The second option would be even better). Because I’ve tried modifying the style.css file and if the boarder are transparent simply they are filled with the same colour of the waybar, different colour instead works.

In the config file … “margin-top”:10, etc;

    "layer": "top", // Waybar at top layer
    "position": "top", // Waybar position (top|bottom|left|right)
    //"height": 20, // Waybar height (to be removed for auto height)
    // "width": 1280, // Waybar width

For example

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Oh wow, far easier than I thought. Strange that it doesn’t work if you do it directly in the style.css. Oh well thank you!

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Running Sway on KDE on Wayland



Edit: This is running in v-box and no issues

Edit2: I would say this works better than on i3 :thinking:



sadly no yet… it close but i3 do lot more ! in time + more people use sway WM it will grow fast as replacment X programs be built. Still it my main on Pi4 :blush:

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It’s working very good in v-box on KDE. I did give up for a while as newer kernels and stuff have happened and sometimes v-box is a problem with keeping up and has issues and doesn’t work properly sometimes. But currently it is working well. I think i will now try i3 on KDE also.


I installed sway on bare metal and i didn’t have mouse and keyboard again. I had it working fine installed on KDE. I went back to KDE for now as it is my go to. I didn’t think i’d have a problem on the desktop as compared to my laptop but it let me down. I’m going to maybe try installing i3 and then sway on i3. I want to see if i3 bare metal works okay first but for now I’m back on KDE Plasma. :crazy_face:

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Rick, sway on lightdm (for me at least) does that (no keyboard/mouse). Try sddm (or w/o display manager) and I bet your experience will be different)
I have seen distros where sway and lightdm seem to play nicely, not quite sure what it is.

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Same for me sometimes! Lightdm sometimes just doesn’t wanna start too.

I had sway installed from the community edition directly on bare metal. I’m not sure what the base is but on KDE it was fine with sddm.

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same … had 1st LDM glitch ( think it that :rofl: ) i dig tomorrow see what up. possible pi ( arm ) as few glitch on all installs . That Arch :rofl: it all fun :vulcan_salute:

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So we do have a devel ISO ready with working sway and bspwm installs, but it would be very nice to go to test it, what will also help to find any little issues with the setup files:

If you find some issues with sway post here.


If there s an issue with ISO or intaller:


A post was merged into an existing topic: Community Edition ISO Development

hey guys,
I’ve made a fresh install (starting from basic eos (tty only, no desktop environment) using the github repo script for sway edition and I think I’m missing some font; for example the firefox workspace appear with an asiatic (japanese, chinese, IDK) font instead of the stylized firefox icon. Do you have any idea of which font package make those correct? Also happens on audio icons (headphones etc)
thank you for your work.

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But I don’t understand why it didn’t come…hmmmm

Anyway thx for testing!