I don’t know how well it will work but you could place the wofi window in down right corner, when it is the power menu that is pressed.
Am I right thinking we are creating three different wofi configs? Or are you configuring wofi via that script?
It is way easier to make three config files. I don’t know with style.css files. Lets see how powermenu and screenshot works with the one we make default, and then we can see.
What are your thoughts on this? I might get rid of the black line
The Config
Arc-Dark Color Scheme
@define-color blue #5291e2;
@define-color grey1 #404552;
@define-color grey2 #383C4A;
font-family: UbuntuMono;
window {
#input {
margin-bottom: 10px;
border-radius: 5px;
color: white;
#inner-box {
background-color: @grey2;
#outer-box {
margin: 5px;
background-color: @grey2;
#scroll {
#text {
padding: 5px;
color: white;
background-color: @grey1;
#entry:selected {
background-color: @blue;
#text:selected {
This is great work!
I would say go without the black bar and on waybar I would make the blue line a little thincker i think. The outer padding is too large for my taste, but it certainly isn’t a dealbreaker. In general this is really nice.
The extra lines below the screenshot selector we can remove in the config, where we define the number of lines, so this will also look a little tighter.
Thank you!
I’ll decrease the padding when I push it.
Nice to know you like it!!
Ooo and I also wanna try to implement the thing @joekamprad wanted. That would be kinda cool and useful too.
I was considering trying to build a parser that could create the entries for a keybinding overview, so that it would stay correct even when keybindinds are changed. Not a short term thing. @joekamprad would endevour consider include a binary if it works out dell?
I’m !@joekamprad would be up for it, maybe he’ll use it i3 as well.
It’s more of a long term thing like you said but sounds very exciting.
Or This?
I would go for top one. Maybe the middle for warnings?
Do Arc have some defaults colours for error etc?
Would you push the changes that you have made @OdiousImp? Then I can have a look at the config files for wofi.
10mins sorry busy
@morten-b pushed!
The colours are defined using the ArcDark pallte you sent. But are not in a separate file yet. You can do that if you want.
@morten-b we do not need seperate configs for power-menu or screenshot, we can set them in the script
selected=$(printf '%s\n' $entries | wofi --width 100 --lines 4 --show=dmenu --cache-file /dev/null | awk '{print tolower($1)}')
Lines 4 will set 4 lines