Starting version 249.3-1-arch

#1 to clean build because it picks up on the last package you tried to build.

getting the conflict error again

nvidia-340xx-utils and nvidia-utils are in conflict. Remove nvidia-utils? [y/n]

Will it remove it if you say yes.

no it won’t… it will say

removing nvidia-utils breaks dependency ‘nvidia-utils=470.63.01’ required by nvidia-dkms

Is nvidia-utils installed?

pacman -Qi nvidia-utils

yes the version 470.63.01.-1 is installed

That’s the problem then. See if it will remove

yay -R nvidia-utils

getting the same message when trying to remove also

removing nvidia-utils breaks dependency ‘nvidia-utils=470.63.01’ required by nvidia-dkms

But you said there is no nvidia drivers installed?

pacman -Qi nvidia-dkms

I didn’t install it myself but may have been installed as part of the intial distro installation…

I have a GTX 1060 and i never have any issues. :laughing:

lucky person…

this is 10+ years old card so understandable that Nvidia is dropping the support or making it difficult to work on new linux updates.

when I type sudo pacman - Qi nvidia-dkms

it’s installed

under Depdends On: dkms nvidia-utils=470.63.01 libglvnd

would installing the lts kernal or drivers help?

Lets try removing nvidia-dkms

yay -R nvidia-dkms

okay removed.

No i think the issue is the nvidia-installer-dkms that eos has buiilt in. I know how it works until you run into these issues.

Lets try again

yay -S nvidia-340xx nvidia-340xx-utils

I think it might be working but I am seeing lots of texts on screen going up continuously… cant read it as it’s scrolling up fast LOL

it asked to remove 430. and replace with 340x and then it just asked for my root passoword…

hope it didn’t break anything in the background

I’m not sure what that would be?

Edit: There are 430.xx version drivers