That’s the main differentiator, so if that’s not important/desirable to you then there’s probably not a lot to attract you to it if you’re already happy with Manjaro. I’ve been using Arch specifically for about a decade and Manjaro for a few months (on my RPi4 and more recently on my lappy) and I will say that I’ve had a good experience with it. I’ve had EOS for only a little while now but it’s fine as is; the more frequent updates are a plus for me as it appeals to the nerd in me Both choices I feel like you can’t go wrong if you in general like the Arch-ish way of doing things.
Welcome! ex Manjaro user here, and I can tell you so far EOS seems more stable than Manjaro stable. My Manjaro would break on average every 2 weeks after updates, I’ve been here a bit longer, no breakage!
Interesting. I use pamac from the AUR. I prefer GUI at least to browse packages that I might be interested in
But what direction is Manjaro going? You didn’t answer that part haha. I’m curious.
I’ve been using EOS for over a year now and have yet to experience a breakage in my system other than a self-inflicted one that I chose to call a learning experience as opposed to a breakage. To me that is stable. Because of the amount of communication on this forum I have been able to avoid any major issues and create a system that works how I would like it to. The real difference between Endeavour and Manjaro is one of philosophy as opposed to stability. Of course, this is all just my opinion as a hobbyist with little technical knowledge.
I don’t have a glass ball, but everything points to the fact that things are moving more and more in the direction of commerce. Please spare me a new discussion about the problems with Manjaro, there is already enough to read about. Why do you think so many of them have ended up here now?
The direction of Manjaro is not clearly stated by its team, which is an issue in itself. By observation, the direction seems to be about transforming Manjaro into a large (and non-tech newbie friendly) distro, rather than for tech savy users who just want an easy Arch, IMO. The less tech savy “market share” is certainly larger (all those non-linux OS users.) The inferred goal makes good business sense, the devil is in the details.
Well I guess ever since Manjaro became a company (Manjaro GMBH) that is when it started changing direction
We don’t need to discuss this any further here. It’s all been said. I have given my thoughts on the stability of EOS vs. Manjaro. I’m out … good luck
I’ve typically used Arch on my main system, switched to Manjaro for a time but didn’t like the less frequent updates, but the main reason I chose Endeavour rather than going back to Arch is because of two main reasons. First, I haven’t been here long but I do rather enjoy the community, and second, Endeavour, at least to me, is just Arch with some extra packages I would install anyway.
If you want to know which direction Manjaro is headed, it might be better to ask the Manjaro team directly.
Anything anyone here said would be more speculation than anything else.
Or as another co-forumers said:
I think I meant to link to this one:
That one should provide some better opinion.
As you already know Manjaro, you should use EOS for some time, then you will see for yourself where the differences are. At the end, it is up to you what you like more. There is no right or wrong choice, just a matter of personal preferences.
The manjaro forum is starting from scratch, let’s give those guys a break. I much prefer talking about endeavour os than an external distro. We are just wasting time. What had to be said has already been said IMHO.
Well, due to how helpful and friendly this community is already, and how much I am liking EOS, I have decided to stick with it as my daily driver and I also took the liberty of creating a Facebook group with good intentions of 1. An extra place to discuss EOS related things and more so 2. To help EOS gain more popularity and noticeably, to make it an even more popular distro. I hope that’s ok! Feel free to join and invite others.
Keep an eye out on distrowatch (yes I know it isn’t fair or accurate), but still, watch over the next couple of months how much Endeavour OS will rise in popularity.
What makes you say that?
Manjaro users seem to not want to let go of Manjaro.
Not the ones I see here, including myself.
Like I said, watch
I will not say anything negative about Manjaro, it’s course is plotted.
“Stability vs Manjaro”
I have ran vanilla Arch for a few years. Not to mention hundreds of distributions over the past 20 years (or so). Arch, used correctly, is stable. So is Manjaro.
My conclusion: Most distributions, used in a prophylactic manner, are more stable than a majority of their users.
Take that as you will.
Is it possible as Linux users to not create a wrong war between Distros ?