Spell Check not Working

I installed a few spell checkers and dictionaries, I have in System Settings → "Spell Check → English US and my local language ticked (top box)

As spell check is not working (tried Kate, and Zim Notes). UPDATE: Just installed LibreOffice, Hunspell working) . I read and saw many threads here same issue so I installed:
(what I got from “yay -Qe” and selected whatever has “spell”)

aspell 0.60.8-2
aspell-ar 1.2-1
aspell-en 2020.12.07-1

gtkspell3 3.0.10-2

hunspell 1.7.0-4
hunspell-ar 3.5-3
hunspell-en_us 2020.12.07-4

python-gtkspellcheck 5.0.0-2

Still nothing is working even after reboots, reinstalling,…
What am I missing?

aspell 0.60.8-2
aspell-ar 1.2-1
aspell-en 2020.12.07-1

gtkspell3 3.0.10-2

hunspell 1.7.0-4
hunspell-ar 3.5-3
hunspell-en_us 2020.12.07-4

python-gtkspellcheck 5.0.0-2

UPDATE: Just installed LibreOffice, hunspel working!
Zim and Kate spell check not working. Zim can not even load the spell checker addon!

Do you know if having all those installed whether they conflict with each other or not? EndeavourOS doesn’t install a specific language spell checker by default, (e.g. English, French, German, etc), but they do install the hunspell package during your EndeavourOS installation. I didn’t have any spell checking ability when I first installed EndeavourOS, but once I ran:

sudo pacman -S hunspell-en_us

And restarted all my open applications, I had spell checking working. Perhaps consider removing all the aspell, gtkspell3 and python-gtkspellcheck packages, and only having the hunspell and hunspell-en_us packages to start off with, and seeing if that works or not. Remember to close and reopen any apps after this so that they are utilizing only the hunspell package.

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Just trying to get it to work. I just installed LibreOffice and I could figure out it is using Hunspell and working.
But Zim requires “gtkspellcheck" or “gtkspell”; the first one is preferred as …

I actually had all this stuff installed together before (when I was on EXT4) and everything worked.

Did you see this thread from earlier today?

Perhaps that solution might help you as well.

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Thanks a lot, I will check it (later) and see.
Thank you.

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In Kate, you have to turn on spell checking with Ctrl+Shift+O (default shortcut, may be different if you changed it), after you open a file.


Same for me. That’s the first thing I install and then also hyphen. This works in libre office.

Since we are at it, once the op is solved… Does anyone know if and how to switch on spell checking in vim, is that possible or require plugin? :innocent:

Side note, hyphen gets installed by default too during installation. Not sure if it’s always been that way or a recent change with the .iso but when I re-installed back in May it was on the .iso. One less thing to install :wink:

It’s definitely not always been that way, but I haven’t noticed in the new iso, commonly do these installs in front of the TV.

Actually I install hyphen-en

hyphen-en isn’t installed by default, but do I need that? I have spell checker working in every app I use already, is there a need for it?

I think the spell checker just checks for grammar and typos. Hyphen used to split syllables/words correctly. Don’t know how I ended up installing it, probably did not get correct hyphens but that needs to be verified. I think I needed hyphen for inkscape to make a poster but could be wrong.

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I did “Enter sudo locale-gen to regenerate the locale.”

and configured it to autostart.

Everything is working perfectly now!
You guys are wonderful.

Uninstalled Zim,

yay -Rnsc zim

then reinstalled it.

Still spellcheck is not working and it seems to me that the uninstall did not really remove everything because once I started it opened the file I had before.

Is there a way to uninstall zim, remove whatever config,…etc so when I reinstall it would be a fresh zim installation with no previous settings? Hopefully it may work this way.

Installing and removing packages generally leaves your user space intact – this is by design.

So if this Zim program left any dotfiles or config in your home directory, those were kept after you uninstalled the package (if you want to get rid of them, you have to delete them manually). When you reinstalled Zim, it already had config files in your home directory and it used those.

Ok… just deleted the zim folder at “/home/limo/.config/”
I will uninstall and install again and see.

UPDATE: I just did, it seems to be really a fresh install but still spell check is disabled!
The spell check plugin giving a message “There was a problem loading this plugin”

I have emailed the developer by the way.

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