Something prevents my os to boot (arbitrarily)

I have Nvidia GTX1060 on my desktop and i have no issues. Certain hybrid graphics seems to be okay others are difficult. I think if i was getting a laptop it would have Nvidia only or AMD. No hybrid for me. I have a laptop With Ryzen now but is not gaming just consumer laptop.



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This guide did not work for me.

The only difference between my initial installation with no GPU issues and the current one was that the second one was installed while the secondary monitor was connected. I’m trying to install it now with the proprietary Nvidia drivers without the external minor. I hope this might be a solution.

As a recap, I have reinstalled with nvidia options, and I have followed the first half of the reddit guide and it worked.

Myself i would normally always install and then hook up additional hardware. That’s just the way i would go about it. :man_shrugging:

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