Some Emojis not appearing on browser and some applications in Endeavour OS

I just shifted to arch from ubuntu budgie. and I am getting some issues loading/displaying emojis on some websites and applications. I have provided some screenshots of the issue. The Os I am using is Endeavour OS with KDE Plasma Desktop and my browser is Brave (stable).

  1. A post on Facebook which probably had emojis

A post on Facebook which probably had emojis

  1. VS Code Terminal there should have been arrows which do show up on konsole (kde terminal) shown below

There should have been arrows which show do show up on konsole kde terminal shown below

  1. The konsole which shows the arrows

enter image description here

Do you have an emoji font installed? There are some listed here:

I have noto-fonts-emoji installed and it seems to work well. Welcome to the forum!

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Welcome to the forum @Abhay_K :balloon::tada::partying_face:

Yes this worked for me thanks, the emojis are definitely showing up also with colors which is great but the arrows which appear in the terminal are not yet visible in vs code. Are there special fonts for that?

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