This may be a silly or redundant question but, on every Arch-based distro I have tried (Antergos, Manjaro, ArcoLinux, and now EndeavourOS), I have often seen the message:
==> WARNING: Possibly missing firmware for module: wd719x
==> WARNING: Possibly missing firmware for module: aic94xx
when I am updating the system via the yay command.
These messages don’t mean anything to me nor do they seem to indicate any defect in the system or the computer.
Can anyone tell me what they do mean and if they are important in any way?
I suspect they don’t fix it because they don’t think it’s broken! As far as I know it is merely an artifact of earlier RAID hardware support, and I think it became a ‘standard’ for a long time. Just yanking it out the kernel might leave some production machines in trouble - and it is only a warning after all. It would require extra work to remove it from each kernel as it arrives, too… possibly a definition of busy work.
I understand that you can install the right things, and the message will go away - but I can’t imagine it being worth that, either.