Slow web, can’t play youtube videos or browse the web using Firefox or Chromium also tried Brave,
appears to be lagging, skipping, and stopping
Dual boot Windows 11 side works great with no problems on the web.
download speed from showed:
Ping 22
speed download 450Mbps
Hello @James
Are you able to do me one more favor? I need you to install the following and then run the command again and post it to see if it’s rendering properly using nvidia driver.
yay -S mesa-demos
yay -S xorg-xdpyinfo
yay -S dmidecode
I’m not sure what’s causing the issue with the video off hand. Could be some kernel parameters are needed for the Ryzen 2600. I’m thinking iommu=soft or some others such as idle=nomwait but I’m guessing at this stage. I’ll see if some others have some idea’s while i check some other info.
Does it actually freeze?
Edit: Also are you running on wifi or it’s ethernet because that seems fast.
The system does not freeze but the video stutters visibly just like typing this response, if I’m on the web I have to constantly wait and allow the computer to catch up to me, I thought is was lag or a slow web but was pretty good.
One option you could try is on Nouveau open source driver instead of Nvidia. Sometimes the video drivers show they are installed properly but not. Did you install the dkms version?
Sorry, couldn’t resist; you might want to get more memory than 16 megabytes in today’s world for such a powerful computer
What desktop environment are you running? As @ricklinux suggested though, it’s probably an issue with the gpu driver, but could be the compositor as well.
I just installed what came with the offline install and then ran the system upgrade using the welcome screen.
BTW: I just installed it this morning.
How would I go about changing drivers?
To throw this into mix, I think it might be a kernel issue. You will be running the latest 5.12. I’ve noticed some instabilities in this recently and now I am using the LTS kernel without issues. These issues were most noticeable using a browser.
Try this in a terminal: yay -S linux-lts linux-lts-headers update-grub
Install those then run: sudo update-grub. After this reboot and see if that helps. You will now be using the LTS kernel but the other one will remain installed should you need it.
it did seem to fix the slowness but now I’m stuck on a single monitor at 1024x768 “display” won’t let me change it and my other monitors don’t show up, do I need to enable the Nvidia drivers? I saw in the text it was uninstalling 465 and installing 470.
Ouch! Wasn’t expecting that. I’m not sure how to re-enable the Nvidia stuff. Is this a systemd thing? Perhaps @ricklinux might have an idea about this? There are xrandr settings for multiple monitors but I’m not too familiar with them at all. I only run a single monitor with Intel graphics on all my machines. Nvidia to me proved to be a pain in the ass. I never had a problem with Intel or AMD graphics. Of course if you’re a gamer then Nvidia may make sense.