Simple CLI system updater

Hi all!

Many people, especially newcomers, have wondered what is the best way to keep the EndeavourOS system updated. EndeavourOS contains three kinds of packages:

  • Arch packages
  • EndeavourOS packages
  • software from the AUR

The answer is not that simple, so I wrote a small bash script that uses the best practices for updating that I know of. Feel free to disagree about the practices!

And remember also the standard disclaimer: use this script on your own risk! I have tested it to the best of my knowledge, and it seems to work as expected. But no guarantees.

Usage instructions

You’ll find the script below. To use it, put the script contents into file


(or use a better name if you wish).

To put the file there, start an editor with root rights, and copy/paste the script contents there. Then save the file, and give the file the executable rights:

  chmod +x /usr/local/bin/SimpleSysUpdate

Note: reboot is not required! :wink:

To use the script, simply run it on the command line like any other application (no sudo required, it will ask permissions if needed):


And here’s the script (copy everything after this line!):

# Do system update. Both Arch and AUR updates are checked.
# Note: your environment variable SIMPLE_SYSTEM_UPDATE_SUDOS may contain
# your preference list of sudo-like program names.

echo2()   { echo "$@" >&2 ; }
printf2() { printf "$@" >&2 ; }
DIE()     { echo2 "Error: $1" ; exit 1 ; }

CheckingFor() {
    local update_source="$1"
    printf2 "Checking updates from %-5s : " "$update_source"

Cmd() {
    echo2 "$@"

Usage() {
    cat <&2
Check package updates from Arch and AUR.
Usage: $(basename $0)


SelectSudo() {
    local xx
    local sudos="su-c_wrapper pkexec sudo"                # this line determines the order of preference

    if [ -n "$SIMPLE_SYSTEM_UPDATE_SUDOS" ] ; then        # this variable can set user specific preferences
        sudos="$SIMPLE_SYSTEM_UPDATE_SUDOS $sudos"
    for xx in $sudos ; do
        if [ -x /usr/bin/$xx ] ; then
            return 0
    echo2 "None of the following programs exist: $sudos !"
    return 1

ShowUpdates() {
    local updates="$1"
    printf "\n%s\n" "$updates" | sed 's|^|    |' >&2

Main() {
    local updates
    local sudo


    curl --silent --connect-timeout 8 >/dev/null || DIE "no internet connection!"

    SelectSudo || DIE "no suitable sudo-like program found."

    CheckingFor Arch
    if [ -n "$updates" ] ; then
        ShowUpdates "$updates"
        Cmd $sudo pacman -Syu
        return                     # stop if we have Arch updates
    echo2 "no updates available."

    CheckingFor AUR
    updates="$(yay -Qua)"
    if [ -n "$updates" ] ; then
        ShowUpdates "$updates"
        Cmd yay -Syua
    echo2 "no updates available."

Main "$@"

The script above updates the system like the eos-update-notifier. But it lacks some additional services, like timers etc.

That script is simple and fast to use on the command line. Just the update and no bling-bling.
This way maybe the command line can feel more useful for people who have a habit of not using it… :wink:

Here’s the output of a run:

$ SimpleSysUpdate 
Check package updates from Arch and AUR.
Usage: SimpleSysUpdate

Checking updates from Arch  : no updates available.
Checking updates from AUR   : no updates available.
1 Like

There is a mistake, is should be SimpleSysUpdate. :wink:


I fixed it.


Just out of interest.

Is there any particular reason why it should go there


Would also

~ >>> path                                                                                                                                                  

My $PATH include also /home/$USER/bin , for my scripts.
I am lazy to fade in - fade out :smiley: :wink: the hidden folder and files.

# Do system update. Both Arch and AUR updates are checked.
# Note: your environment variable SIMPLE_SYSTEM_UPDATE_SUDOS may contain
# your preference list of sudo-like program names.

echo2()   { echo "$@" >&2 ; }
printf2() { printf "$@" >&2 ; }
DIE()     { echo2 "Error: $1" ; exit 1 ; }

CheckingFor() {
    local update_source="$1"
    printf2 "Checking updates from %-5s : " "$update_source"

Cmd() {
    echo2 "$@"

Usage() {
    cat <&2
Check package updates from Arch and AUR.
Usage: $(basename $0)


SelectSudo() {
    local xx
    local sudos="su-c_wrapper pkexec sudo"                # this line determines the order of preference

    if [ -n "$SIMPLE_SYSTEM_UPDATE_SUDOS" ] ; then        # this variable can set user specific preferences
        sudos="$SIMPLE_SYSTEM_UPDATE_SUDOS $sudos"
    for xx in $sudos ; do
        if [ -x /usr/bin/$xx ] ; then
            return 0
    echo2 "None of the following programs exist: $sudos !"
    return 1

ShowUpdates() {
    local updates="$1"
    printf "\n%s\n" "$updates" | sed 's|^|    |' >&2

Main() {
    local updates
    local sudo


    curl --silent --connect-timeout 8 >/dev/null || DIE "no internet connection!"

    SelectSudo || DIE "no suitable sudo-like program found."

    CheckingFor Arch
    if [ -n "$updates" ] ; then
        ShowUpdates "$updates"
        Cmd $sudo pacman -Syu
        return                     # stop if we have Arch updates
    echo2 "no updates available."

    CheckingFor AUR
    updates="$(yay -Qua)"
    if [ -n "$updates" ] ; then
        ShowUpdates "$updates"
        Cmd yay -Syua
    echo2 "no updates available."

Main "$@"
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echo $PATH

Any folder in that list basically works. $HOME/bin is a good choice too.

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I’m sorry @manuel but isn’t that what topgrade do?

Don’t be sorry! :wink:

And no, not exactly AFAIK. Topgrade does many more things than updating system packages. Also, topgrade tries to use yay directly, unlike my script. So there are some differences.

There are many ways to update system. This script simply shows the best practices that I know of.

Good point. And that’s a big difference. so now I can understand need of personalized script.

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