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Neither am I! I got what you sent then, and installed it - and began to configure it. It will need a LOT of configuring, though, as Unity is actually a plugin for the Compiz window manager, and is best enjoyed with Emerald themes and other changes. All the key-bindings are unique as well, and the workspaces are differently arranged. In Compiz, there is only one viewport, into a space consisting of ALL the workspaces abutting each other… often 4 across and 1 high (to be easily wrapped around a cube) but otherwise as desired too. It leads to odd conky locations though - here,s an example from one of mine… :grin:

	alignment = 'top_left',

	gap_x = 11620,
    gap_y = 60,

but it makes it pretty easy to put things on only one workspace!

Ooops - we’re getting off-topic again! I’ll get it set up and then post a screenshot for you…

Just check if this link is a different Ubuntu Unity? Or the same? I really don’t know anything about unity. I was never a Ubuntu fan but I’m getting used to Gnome on different platforms.

It is NOT Gnome - it’s own ways of working and its own keybindings ensure that. It appears to be the same one you posted to me earlier - but with a new website to show. I’ll post it when I get it set up…

Ya the website looks different so i wasn’t sure.



Nice, simple but attractive.

Alena Aenami?

Jep, :) I got it.

I wish I had these ideas and could draw so simply. :slight_smile:

Screenshot from 2020-06-10 23-31-41


Methinks the artist has ridden though the Shuswap area of British Columbia before…

A variation of the stock EOS background. Instead of a black hole, the EndeavourOS blue hole.

The EndeavourOS blue hole swallows up anyone who dares to enter, then binds them all together.


Just another bspwm, not green this time and with a purple wallpaper made by @SGS (thank you :slightly_smiling_face:). Was trying to go for a somewhat similar style of the panel to what Manjaro version did, even though the panel here is a different one.



Is this Gnome?

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Looks like budgie without the panel.


Yes, it is Gnome with the dash-to-panel extension. Without dash to panel I probably wouldn’t be using Gnome.
yay -S gnome-shell-extension-dash-to-panel

I generally don’t do much theming or other configuring, I mostly use a DE as is out of the box. To me, the apps I put in the panel cover 90% of what I do. Same as most DEs. But when I use something not on the panel, say Gparted, then it makes more sense to me that clicking on the Applications icon, then choosing my app in a smart phone type presentation is faster than clicking on an icon in the panel, then navigating through menus to find my app. For me It’s just a better workflow.

Not a rant, just explaining my distorted view of things. :beer: Cheers.


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:beer: :beers: :beer:


Not distorted. Just the same workflow as Unity, interestingly - although the app dislay is a bit different. Is your Gnome new enough to have the app directories included? Tidies up the app screen no end :grin:

Now, if only they hadn’t come up with the interface embedded in the titlebars…

This was a fresh install of EndeavourOS about 3 or 4 weeks ago, so fairly new.

Is your Gnome new enough to have the app directories included?

I assume you mean like the Utilities directory where they have consolidated 17 different Utilities under one entry on the app screen, eh?

Another thing I have done to clean up the applications screen is to eliminate quite a few things that I never use but are hard to remove due to dependencies. I do this by changing the .desktop file to something like
They are still there if someday I really need them, but in the mean time it cleans up the app screen.


Absolutely - I used to have 4 screens full when I gnome’d - until I found and installed the app-dir extension. They’ve built it in now though - and it helps a LOT :grin:

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Since I now am a fanatic player of Wreckfest (I am getting back into racing games for the first time in 20 years. DEFINITELY recommended) I now recognize this car as a Rocket, not a Mustang.

(They have very correct models of cars with the brand filed off, so they won’t get sued).



Can you share this wallpaper please? I would like to use it as my light dm slick greeter wallpaper.