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The forums software keeps corrupting the image for whatever reason, so I’ve had to upload it elsewhere, but here is the raw image in it’s original 4k resolution before I started monkeying with it.

Edit: nope, it didn’t like that either

Edit edit: here we go, click for embiggening.


@z580c, Thanks! Mind if I use it as a starting point for a wallpaper creation?

And also, for a different personal project, is this robot image available anywhere tot you know of, or can remember?


Go for it, it’s not my image originally either so I’m in the same boat haha.

The robot is Astrotrain and the original untouched image I worked from for this one is:





any way to get the “OS Age” without a fastfetch config? anyway share the config if its possible :+1:

I’m at work at the moment. I’ll share the config when I get home tonight.

1 Like

Well, to run Fastfetch, you need a configuration file. Fastfetch’s is called config.jsonc. It is located in /home/USER/.config/fastfetch. If it’s not present, run fastfetch --gen-config.

Here’s mine. Right under logo, where it says source, I included a generic path to an image. Choose whatever image you like. My entry looks like this: "/home/wombat/Pictures/Linux/EndeavourOS/eos.png",. Your path will, of course, depend on where the image you want to use is. I’ve found that the best image size to use is between 300x300 and 500x500.

    "$schema": "",
    "logo": {
        "source": "/PATH_TO_IMAGE/YOUR_IMAGE.png",
        "type": "auto",
        "height": 15,
        "width": 30,
        "padding": {
            "top": 5,
            "left": 3
    "modules": [
            "type": "custom",
            "format": "\u001b[90m┌──────────────────────Hardware──────────────────────┐"
            "type": "host",
            "key": " PC",
            "keyColor": "green"
            "type": "cpu",
            "key": "│ ├",
            "showPeCoreCount": true,
            "keyColor": "green"
            "type": "gpu",
            "key": "│ ├󰍛",
            "keyColor": "green"
            "type": "display",
            "key": "│ ├󰍛",
            "keyColor": "green"
            "type": "memory",
            "key": "│ ├󰍛",
            "keyColor": "green"
            "type": "disk",
            "key": "└ └",
            "keyColor": "green"
            "type": "custom",
            "format": "\u001b[90m└────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘"
            "type": "custom",
            "format": "\u001b[90m┌──────────────────────Software──────────────────────┐"
            "type": "os",
            "key": " OS",
            "keyColor": "yellow"
            "type": "kernel",
            "key": "│ ├",
            "keyColor": "yellow"
            "type": "packages",
            "key": "│ ├󰏖",
            "keyColor": "yellow"
            "type": "terminal",
            "key": "└ └",
            "keyColor": "yellow"
            "type": "terminalfont",
            "key": "└ └",
            "keyColor": "yellow"
            "type": "shell",
            "key": "└ └",
            "keyColor": "yellow"

            "type": "de",
            "key": " DE",
            "keyColor": "blue"
            "type": "lm",
            "key": "│ ├",
            "keyColor": "blue"
            "type": "wm",
            "key": "│ ├",
            "keyColor": "blue"
            "type": "wmtheme",
            "key": "│ ├󰉼",
            "keyColor": "blue"
            "type": "font",
            "key": "│ ├󰉼",
            "format": "{3}",
            "keyColor": "blue"
            "type": "gpu",
            "key": "└ └󰍛",
            "format": "{3}",
            "keyColor": "blue"
            "type": "custom",
            "format": "\u001b[90m└────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘"
            "type": "custom",
            "format": "\u001b[90m┌────────────────────Uptime / Age────────────────────┐"
            "type": "command",
            "key": "  OS Age ",
            "keyColor": "magenta",
            "text": "birth_install=$(stat -c %W /); current=$(date +%s); time_progression=$((current - birth_install)); days_difference=$((time_progression / 86400)); echo $days_difference days"
            "type": "uptime",
            "key": "  Uptime ",
            "keyColor": "magenta"
            "type": "custom",
            "format": "\u001b[90m└────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘"

Using that config (along with my personal image path) provides this…


Nice, thanks
also the icons are not loaded for me, which font i need to install?
6 days uptime is crazy


They’re shown in my fastfetch. FiraCode Nerd Font Mono. Available Available in Arch’s Extra repo. Run yay -S ttf-firacode-nerd.

More info about FiraCode Nerd Fonts here:

No need to reboot as much on Cinnamon. Seems KDE requires a reboot a lot. But I just had to reboot this morning after the kernel update from 6.10 to 6.11.

1 Like

Where did you read about customizing fastfetch, as in you added some stuff that is displayed?

head -c 26 /var/log/pacman.log


Various places. Reddit, in particular. Plus a couple older Fedora forum posts. Also, the Fastfetch wiki. There are also sample configs to try here. Just back up your current configuration and test away.

Like what?


Used video driver, what font you are using and used displaymanager.


Thank you so much! I already modified the config file, but your modification is awesome. I’ll try to modify some things for me and will use that config. :+1:

1 Like

I just added them.

The entries are in the configuration I shared. For example. to show terminal font in my specific configuration I added under Software

            "type": "terminalfont",
            "key": "└ └",
            "keyColor": "yellow"

For system font, I added this under Software > DE…

            "type": "font",
            "key": "│ ├󰉼",
            "format": "{3}",
            "keyColor": "blue"

Thanks! Cool! I was just curious how you know what to add, to make it show up correctly but it seems it’s done with “keys”. I’ll have a look at those links you shared later, thanks!

Here’s one I used regarding Nerd Fonts and the small icons/glyphs. Check out the “cheat sheet”, too.


Changed quite a bit this time around. I went all Qigor (GTK theme, Cinnamon theme, mouse pointer, icons). System fonts changed to DejaVU Sans.


It is much nicer with emojis, thanks
the last time i used Cinnamon was on Mint Linux which it wasn’t stable at all for me (random black screens, freezes and display glitches in games)


thank you! i like it!