I’ve gone rogue, and entered the void, complete with an oddball theming of XFCE that I think you could call ‘divisive’ if you were feeling tactful…
I do like its ruthless efficiency but the struggle it required of someone less knowledgeable like me really emphasised how good the Endeavour tools and documentation are as an addition to arch.
Nothing too impressive, been using EOS for a long time but always on Gnome, minus some KDE experimenting here and there. I’ve reinstalled and transitioned to KDE fully for my main PC where I game.
XFCE satisfaction: you have to take the oddball route [because the default is frightening], and you will automatically pull your hair out because settings are scattered in 67 different places/windows for no reason that anyone explains. that you even got the taskbar dialed in is a testament to your fortitude. I usually trash it except for a 2 inch strip of applets then awkwardly throw plank on top of it.
and I love XFCE.
I just did this same dance with LXDE because apparently my ulcer wasn’t big or bloody enough but that payoff is in the end.
—this is a lot of blah blah blah to say great desktop and man alive what is that crisp, to-the-point icons theme? edit: it was as if my typos gave a times square style concert…
Still around, 2.5 years later, with the “let’s test it for a week in the small partition” distro.
It works, it’s minimal but “bloated” just the right amount for me and with standalone openbox.
Well… openbox and polybar (with all the bells and whistles, like polywins etc.)
That’s all.
So, this is XFCE with just a teensy little gtk.css file in ~/.congfig/gtk-3.0 to round out the panels.
(…just because I wanted to see if I could make it look “modern”)
purple heart for the most creative use of their taskbar: the two-inch strips as they should be. Your teensy gtk config looks great, You are making XFCE sexy again.
edit: had to add the word ‘gtk’ for clarity
After creating gtk.css, the Whisker menu no longer respects the opacity setting. Correlation only at this time so I don’t really know if that’s the cause.
UPDATE: I’ve now discovered that is NOT the cause, it is related to specific GTK themes and has nothing to do with my gtk.css file.
2) xfce-terminal can not only be launched in drop-down mode, but that mode can be configured independently of normal mode.