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I’ve been on my Cinnamon laptop for days. Finally back on my MacMini with EOS KDE Plasma. Just a few minor Klassy tweaks, icon change and wallpaper…


Latest EOS plasma running as guest in virtualbox.


Me too. I used an Apple/Mac from 1991 until 2009. Didn’t use Windows until a job in 2007 required it. In 2009 I switched to using Linux full time for personal use and switched window button layout as well. It seems silly, but I get so thrown off when they’re on the right, my wee :brain: can’t seem to process that many decades of muscle memory.

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I like the color shift!

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Thanks, I’m glad you like it. In this picture I would like to have the colors of the flowers in the color palette of the EOS logo. I’ll have a go at realizing that.

Mind to share the Wallpaper?


AI Generated fractals with Steampunk color theme.


New wallpaper I put together, screwed up the background a bit but have it set to remind me to fix it up (plus I’m quite fond of it)


Looking much nicer now, for anyone that wants it


Used one of the wallpapers from @UncleSpellbinder on the latest Endeavouros Gnome running as a guest in virtualbox.Host is running a 5 year old Manjaro Plasma on unstable branch on a 2017 desktop.Linux does work very well on older hardware. :smiley:


Nice simple splash screen to get things matching nicely

Available here

And here


Nice desktop. Mind if I ask how did you customize your terminal?

I’m using Alacritty terminal.

Shell is zsh and prompt is Powerlevel 10K.


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Aaand done! My personal atomic Silverblue image has been running lovely for the past few days now. It’s not anything major or big, but it’s definitely a significant achievement for me personally. Went into EndeavourOS in late 2022 knowing pretty much nothing but HTML, CSS, and Markdown, now I’m doing this - and it took way less time than I had expected! :partying_face:

Every day I learn new things by adding stuff into the image, because I’m far from being finished - there’s still stuff I want to add and configure, but I can go a bit slower now and enjoy my laptop. I feel so lucky to be able to learn like this :face_holding_back_tears:

Using Papirus icon set for a change. For the interface font I’m trying out Overpass right now, but I’m unable to get my mind off Ruda, which is a gorgeous font by the way! On blackbox I’m using JetBrains Mono 11, but only because it doesn’t seem to recognize Martian Mono Condensed. Regular Martian Mono is lovely for VSCodium! :alien: My typeface-searching journey is not over, though. It’s fun going through Google Fonts every evening and deciding which ones I will try out the day after!




Setting up Tokyo-Night colorscheme on Plasma, konsole and kate editor. Klassy Theme and Klassy window decorations with rounded corners. Amazing blur and transparenzy effect.
System got besgnulinux icons
By the way, the new akregator looks fantastic


I can’t recommend IBM Plex enough, - I essentially use it for 95% of my DE.

Plasma 6 was so awful it forced me to use Hyprland

One of the best decisions in my linux journey :))