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BredOS on a Radxa ROCK 5B arm device and running from a Samsung SSD 970 EVO Plus NVME. This is the fastest setup I have seen for an ARM device, and it is the most stable RADXA ROCK 5B operating system I have found.

Shout out to @Rippanda12 and the rest of the devs at BredOS.

This is the first ARM device I have seen that uses initramfs-linux and vmlinuz-linux files, but still uses a u-boot bootloader. At least that is what I believe is going on. I am in doubt so far how the boot system works.


Entering the next Purple Universe!


Liking the wall with your setup! :slight_smile:

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My latest rice - I love KDE


What is the dock you are using at the bottom?

Latte Dock

Okay…i was just wondering because some users have so many issues with latte dock and it doesn’t seem to be updated and supported anymore?

That’s the interesting thing, I just got an update to latte dock today… Using the “-git” version from the AUR, I suppose it’s still getting bugfixes.
I am afraid that the next big KDE update might break it though, so once I finish my work stuff I might either fork Latte Dock or create a new dock from scratch.

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Which program did you use for the quote in the terminal?


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Thanks for potining to fortune, just installed it. Seems pretty funny :wink:

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custom quotes do keep me motivated from time to time :slight_smile:

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Indeed. Pretty nice!

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Wow, is that background in the EndeavourOS community uploads?

No … I found it and think it suits the “Purple EOS Universe”


thanks for sharing ! :heart_eyes:

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This background looks great. Especially with larger monitors. :wink:

Is there a 1440p or 2160p version of that?

There might be I’ll have to try to find the site again? If i find it I’ll post it.

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Here you go: