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@ricklinux @Tasia91

You two are a source of inspiration where otherwise there was very little :joy:

Screenshot from 2020-03-17 16-44-48 Screenshot from 2020-03-17 16-44-15 Screenshot from 2020-03-17 16-44-09

This is “stock” (base) cinnamon with the included Arc-Dark theme applied. Cromium you would need to install (it is what I use) but it has an arc dark theme which should be enabled by default since chromium uses the systems GTK theme YMMV.

And yes it’s become an excellent DE.


Just don’t forget to set window effects off in effects otherwise you get transparency in the welcome screen buttons.

Edit: It doesn’t happen in vbox because it’s using vbox drivers.

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Yes the default cinnamon theme Adwaita causes this issue. Fortunately the dev’s have included Arc-Dark which does not show this behavior. I use a fully AMD desktop system.

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That’s strange because i found it happens on Arc dark also. If you hover on the welcome screen and or use it a lot it seems to show up for me. :thinking:

That’s Abyss Deep

Here we go … :enos:






That is arc- dark.

I can’t figure out what theme my Chromium is using. Even the window decorations look different than those I set in Cinnamon settings :thinking:
How do I set it to the default GTK (3?) theme?

edit: the theme seems to be “Arc” as set in my ~/.config/gtk-3.0/settings.ini
but windows decorations are still a mystery to me

On that drop down to the right click on settings. Scroll down and you will see theme. There is a toggle box with an arrow in it. It should toggle between classic and gtk. You want gtk.


Thanks, I was indeed using the ‘Classic’ theme. But all the difference it made was to just turn my window’s border to black :thinking:
I also turned the option ‘Use system title bar and borders’ on and now the border doesn’t have decorations at all…
Screenshot from 2020-03-18 17-09-48

Open a new tab I believe just the settings screen stays that way. :wink:

And yes it can remove decorations if you want to increase vertical real estate on your screen.


Nope, it stays this way even when I open a new tab. I can’t even close Chromium now, not having the ‘X’ at the right upper corner :sweat_smile: My i3 shortcuts don’t work and new ones I am not used to yet.

That’s odd lol. I actually got called into work today (good thing). So i am not at a machine right now. If you close all the tabs it will close or right click the app in the menu bar and hit close.

Otherwise turn it back on in settings (three dots).


Seems I became confused here. My apologies. :man_facepalming:

I can confirm that using the arc-dark theme and enabling use system title bar and borders does remove the buttons on the upper right of the window in chromium. When you open a new tab in chromium does the arc-dark theme apply as such?

Screenshot from 2020-03-18 17-33-31


I do not use Arc-dark, but (it seems) a regular Arc…
This is my ~/.config/gtk-3.0/settings.ini

  1 [Settings]
  2 gtk-theme-name = Arc
  3 gtk-icon-theme-name = ePapirus
  4 # GTK3 ignores bold or italic attributes.
  5 gtk-font-name = Fira Sans Compressed ExtraLight 12
  6 gtk-menu-images = 0
  7 gtk-button-images = 0
  8 gtk-toolbar-style = GTK_TOOLBAR_TEXT

And as far as I can judge Chromium does use it. Only the window decorations look out of place, they were like that since i3wm. I was running it without decorations all together, maybe that’s the reason…
The new Chromium window:
Screenshot from 2020-03-19 00-53-06


Yes you are correct there are several Arc, Arc-dark, Arc-darker for window decorations. :wink:

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does it only work for decorations? I thought it’s responsible for overall look of the windows… If not, does it mean that my gtk-3.0 settings are incorrect?
It’s not a big deal and everything seems to look (more or less) consistent across the apps, but I just need to learn how all this theming works :exploding_head:

edit: back at i3wm. And now Arc is used consistently even by Chromium.
I am lost why this isn’t working with Cinnamon. But it’s not for this thread, so sorry for the noise :slightly_smiling_face:

edit2: and the answer was simple: Chromium’s border-like thingy is set not by ‘Window borders’ entry in ‘Themes’ on Cinnamon, but by the ‘Controls’ one. Which was set to Adapta in my case. It’s not a bug I’m just a noob, don’t mind me :sweat: :zipper_mouth_face:

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Absolutely nothing special this time:


Do you have this wallpaper somewhere around? I had it but I cannot find it anymore. Thanks in advance!