Might you consider adding your customized Worm dotfiles to github?
I’m still working on them, but I will soon
Love @Rockwallaby wallpaper too! Works so well with the dimensional theme.
Did a small change to the logo.
looks awesome! let me know if you have any problems.
Nothing crazy
Update on Endeavouros arm + Worm wm on Pinebook Pro
Edit. brightness key + volume key work now also got battery in polybar working
after i saw your 2 screenshots of worm
now i want to try worm too
Great rice, love the wallpaper
how to remove title bar on terminal and other apps from worm?
opens only in floating mode ?
edit: nevermid i’m figuring it out
Embrace the dark side
i like simple. no fancy thing ( no my thing ) this wm interest me . you great
wormc layout tiling, and wormc frame-height 0
i made it work after 1 hour
now I only need window manager dk
looks nice, what’s dk?