Shameless bragging 😎

Hi there!

Not that I wanna brag about it, but I’ve just graduated from the @discobot university !

:student: :tada: :partying_face: :sunglasses:


But seriously, I installed :enos: sway edition about two months ago and its really nice. Just the right balance between minimalism and basic functionality while enjoying the arch repositories. And of course, the forum vibe got me hooked for good ! :man_shrugging:

Incidentally, the same day I installed :enos: , I also quit smoking after 25 years !!!
That can’t be a coincidence right ???

:pray: Thank you devs and all the community :pray:


Hi! To find out what I can do, say @discobot display help.


Holy crap, congrats!
It’s certainly more useful than any university :rofl:


Quiting smoking is probably the best thing you could have ever done. Congratulations! Awesome achievement!

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Congrats! Thats something worth being proud of :grin:


Congrats, that is the biggest achievement! :rofl:

The key to quit smoking is to not smoke, don’t forget that when you are tempted again. Rather make a new install of EOS with a new DE of your choice, so that you get a new addiction, DE hopping. If you are tempted again, do the same with WM. It’s a healthy addiction.

Welcome to the forum!


Welcome to the forum @ggg :partying_face::tada::balloon:

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I quit about 35 years ago, yes I am on old man. I used to carry a asthma inhaler. About 4 years after I quit smoking, the Doktor said “Do you need your inhaler prescription renewed?” I hesitated and he asked “When was the last time you used your inhaler?” I said I couldn’t remember. So no prescription. I haven’t used an inhaler since, and my “asthma” is gone. Although it was probably more from smoking than actual asthma.

After quitting, every year that passes you just feel better. Be strong.



Bragging is good, do it.

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The thing with quitting smoking is to have the will to do it. Cold turkey is the best if you can and you just have to find something else to take your mind off of that habit. What ever works for you. Chewing gum, sucking on Peppermints anything that can replace the urge to light up. Eventually it goes away! But the thing is you have to want to do it in order to be successful. Bragging is good! Everyday without cigarettes is a win win!

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Don’t tell anyone but I accomplished that with the help of medication. I am/was an heavy smoker and never quit more than 1-2 days long before failing miserably. However, with this drug, I did not have the slightest difficulty quitting. I barely think about it !! I still cannot believe it, that drug is pretty magical :magic_wand:

Yes, the medication definitely helps, but be prepared for the urges to return when it is discontinued.


Do you speak from experience with it ?

Because I thought that after 3 months, when discontinued the physical aspect of nicotine addiction would be gone and it would be easier to cope with urges, am I wrong ?

Yes, I speak from experience. The physical addiction will be long gone by the time you discontinue the medication. However, the mental aspect is a completely separarate thing and you must be prepared for urges to reappear after stopping the medication. Just do not give in to the urge to have only one.


One is one too many, one more is never enough.



It’s not just smoking that this applies to.

Damn voices in my head…


I get addicted easily to all sorts of things, and at least in my youth I was very susceptible to peer pressure. So I am very fortunate to find the smell of anything burning quite revolting, including tobacco smoke.

It’s much easier to never start than to stop.


I think i increased “Fisherman’s Friend” annual sales by 10% in my first smoke free year.

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Congratulations on both accounts!

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Yes zyban is well known here to be used. The mental aspect is partly to do with habit. Breaking habits are hard. I went the cold turkey route in 1991-92 but i was mentally ready before i even attempted it. I wasn’t a heavy smoker but still. Never touched them ever again and never will. I also hate the smell of smoke more so now than ever even campfire or wood burning. The number of people who die from smoking each year in the US alone is staggering! Quitting is the best thing you could ever do.

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