Second Monitor Won't Display Anything if Set Above 60Hz

Okay lets go back and explain this whole set up? You have two screens. One is the laptop screen and the other is an external monitor? Are they each set for different Hz? Are you able to switch back and forth from Intel to Nvidia but the issue is?

I have a laptop and monitor that I hook up with an hdmi cable, I always would run nvidia mode because it would boost performance for the monitor. Laptop is a 1920x1080 @ 144hz and my monitor is a 1920x1080 @ 144.01 (according to xrandr). I would have my monitor either at my left or right side as I had to change my desk around, Both of which worked fine. I would use my monitor as my primary display. I was on Plasma and would go out and use my laptop as a laptop without my monitor, every time I connected my monitor I would reboot to refresh the Plasma session and do the same every time I disconnected it. It was working just fine until at one point it just stopped. I hadn’t changed any cables, any settings, nothing. It was most likely an update that broke it, but I have no idea which one, if any.

Well you should leave all the settings the same then and concentrate on trying to figure out which update changed things. If you can remember when it started you could go back to the pacman log and check what was updated then downgrade that package and see. The pacman log is in /var/log/pacman.log

I’m on a new install of endeavour os, I was testing out something else for qt and gtk (completely different thing) and needed to refresh my system

I ordered the mini display port to display port so it’ll be here on Monday

Okay. Did you also check for any new Bios updates on the laptop?

Edit: Looks like its the latest.

I actually don’t know how to do that, I’m waiting for the cable right now which should be here tomorrow

It’s already the latest Bios anyway so it looks like.

I just got the cable and it’s working at 144hz! XFCE is saying that it’s at 143.9hz, which is a 0.2 difference between the hdmi? Not sure why that is

Strangely enough, nvidia-settings isn’t picking the monitor up, and animations are choppy (tested with picom and kwin)

Isn’t this what happened before when it was running 144Hz.

I can definitely tell it’s running at 144, and my monitor’s internal refresh rate detector says it is. I think the way I fixed it was running full composition pipeline from nvidia-settings

Did you do it before this way?

Any luck getting it to work?

I spent the day testing it with different scenarios. It seems the worst offender is Kwin, which was buttery smooth until I plugged in my second monitor which caused it to be stutter (not slow just lower framerate), picom stutters a bit, and that does slow it down, and xcompgr haven’t had too much test, i3 also doesn’t like both monitors.

What you have i3 installed with KDE?

Yea I was using i3 as its window manager to see how it was.

Have you tried a stock Eos Kde Plasma install?

Yes I have, it’s a lot better, but still choppy, which is normal for linux in my experience. The only thing now is making nvidia-settings pick it up so I can turn on composition. Should I manually make an xrandr setup?

Honestly i don’t really know what you should try. :thinking:

I think I can figure it out on my own, you’ve been super helpful and I can’t thank you enough for sticking with this incredibly long thread :smile: