I think there is an issue with screenfetch, it shows arch linux and no endeavour os
in endevouros there should be a hook that change te lsb-release.conf and os-release normal in /etc, but in which iso this came, idk
I think it was back in october last year… @Bryanpwo can tell us
$ cd /etc/pacman.d/hooks
Should be two hooks:
lsb-release.hook as ringo mentioned
With your screenfetch as it is, I’m guessing you won’t have these. You may not even have the /etc/pacman.d/hooks directory.
Yes that’s right.
@antec1 I’m surprised, it shows the Endeavour logo over here.
I saw an update about lsb-release today !
Today is the first day i see that
I have that hooks directory, but only eos-reboot-required.hook in it.
That is the hook that puts the notice on the screen about a reboot recommended after an update.
lsb-release is a package
pacman -Q | grep lsb
lsb-release 1.4-16
When lsb-release is updated, it writes the Arch branding to various places, which over writes the EnfeavourOS branding put in during install. The hooks then over writes the Arch branding to restore the EndeavourOS branding. Kind of a back and forth thing.
lsb-release.hook and os-release.hook do this function.
Not sure of the approved way to restore the hooks to your system
@manuel @fernandomaroto may we add the hooks to theming package?
@FLVAL is correct. Per the Archlinux web site, lsb-release was updated yesterday 2020-07-09
Arch | Repo | Name | Version | Description | Last Updated | Flag Date |
any | Community | lsb-release | 1.4-16 | LSB version query program | 2020-07-09 |
I have that release and screen fetch works for me?
Personal enos-hooks mayby far far futher you can add stuff lol
Yeah, that looks like a good place.
Wise idea!
I had repaired my problem myself:
I copied this into /etc/lsb-release:
and voila :
Thank you all, who wants to help me.
Hi all!
Just released a new endeavouros-theming package (version 5-2.1), and it should fix this issue.
If you still find any problems with this, please report as soon as possible!
There’s a conflicting issue with it, so the update doesn’t get performed:
endeavouros-theming: /etc/pacman.d/hooks/lsb-release.hook already exists
endeavouros-theming: /etc/pacman.d/hooks/os-release.hook already exists
is because its create by installation those hooks , you need to overwrite
In this case, this need to checked also for the online installer ? @manuel @joekamprad