I am always an adimirer sweet dishes, and always love to eat sweet things.
I can eat them even with salty things by mixing it in those foods.
I never say no to sweets, rather I can happily trade saltier foods with sweeter ones.
In order to digest them, I need to create regular physical fatigue by end of day, though it is somewhat easy considering the temperature here, which ranges around 25-45 degrees before winter. So, even few kilometers walk or cycling can create good enough sweat.
I only avoid sweets only when my parents are in mood of scolding me or they had begun scolding me !!
Getting my teeth fixed up, I don’t care if it cost only part of it, it’s pretty much the only thing I wish I had the cash for right now that I actually need.
I would tithe first to my church then the rest I would give some to the family then the rest either invest in buying extra food, supplements, and the like.
When I was in school, I was the most avoided student in the class. There was huge conspiracy against me, and maximum students were in movement to oppose my facts and ideas which I present in the class, even further they opposed the teachers whenever I was made leader of the subject/class back then, which ultimately resulted in my removal from that post. Hence, I also avoid the entire class for this reason, though I was respected in class due to the fact that I was among the favorite students for many teachers.
I can’t possibly imagine why other students would avoid you! Did they not know that you were the teacher’s favourite?! Ignorant fools, your classmates!
Some kind of jealousy by my performance all departments and ideal behavior which I put on display. From ideal behavior, I mean that I had never used abusive phrases, nor I had been in any conflicts, meticulous projects, not involving in fun activities, etc.
I had rarely talked with girls in my class, and this all these applies now as well.
Also, I am not that kind of student who has very large friend circle. My circle usually is like a line segment with 2 points, one being me, and other my friend. So, I was not a popular student among my classmates, but was popular amongst teachers.
Put flour on top of the fan blades so that the whole class was covered in flour and we had to go do our class in the library - whole class got in trouble for it even though the person who did it owned up
I went to school in a very rural county, so the whole county went to one Middle/Jr. High School and one High School on opposite sides of the street. So, as the buses arrived all students assembled in the gymnasium to wait to be dismissed to 1st period class. So sometimes you could wait 30 minutes before being dismissed. Our senior year of High School right before we graduated, my friend walked straight into the gym with his army rucksack and let lose appx. 7 snakes in the gym. He was suspended and if it wasn’t for his parents, teachers and the vice principal sticking up for him, he would not have graduated.