when i reboot text on my screen is show saying
“watchdog: watchdog0: watchdog did not stop!”
then after a few minutes it says it again how do i fix this?
shutdown then power on works perfectly but reboot gives me this error and i have to force shutdown?
how do i fix this?
We need more infos on your system. First of all, on top of this webpage, Help>forum log tool. There is info how to provide logs of what you system is doing and basic info like which DE etc you are using…
Did this start happening since you installed eos, or after an update, are you forcing shut down regularly (not a good idea)? How long did you wait for shutdown?
i may have forgotten to say it boots up in 7secish and shutdown in 4 and even after leaving it for 10min it still was stuck on that text screen without rebooting.
I have the same error, same message on shutdown. Got it fixed with blocking using the method Elloquin linked (Watchdog didn't stop at shutdown - #40 by Elloquin). The only question is, why can’t this legacy watchdog just be left out? I was running Manjaro on my main machine until recently and my second machine (my girlfriend’s machine) is still running Manjaro KDE. There is no talk of watchdog more (was earlier there also once the case). If it really should be part of the kernel, they have it at least well removed.
You will still get the message. That fix just helps if it is delaying reboot times or stalling them. It will also clean up any journalclt errors you might be getting because of it. The reboot message is harmless otherwise.
Hardware watchdog driver for the AMD/ATI SP5100 chipset.
sp5100_tco is an AMD specific watchdog module. I very much doubt that this advice will be helpful to anyone with an Intel processor.
If you want to blacklist watchdog modules, you really need to determine what modules are in use on the system. Just blindly blacklisting random modules until something works is not a very efficient way to go about things.
You could try running something like this:
lsmod | grep -e dog -e wdt -e tco
This will look for the most common watchdog modules that are used for Intel or AMD processors/mobos. Once you see what module(s) are in use on your system, then you can blacklist them.