Questions about fsync (in the context of playing games)

Here’s quick tl;dr from my Linux gaming guide:

  1. It’s not universal improvement, depending on a game it may vary, but generally speaking very modern multi-core capable games can benefit significantly.

  2. You’d need Kernel ready for Fsync, in case of Arch it’s:

  3. To enable Fsync you also need a special version of Wine capable of that:

    • TKG :frog:
    • Manually patched Wine build
  4. Finally you can just enable it in Lutris if all conditions met :upside_down_face:

    Select game, Right :mouse: Button -> Configure

    Runner options tab:

    :white_check_mark: Enable Fsync - same as Esync, should be better, but Engine and Kernel must support it!
    Lutris will alert you if it’s not supported by Engine in use :space_invader:

Also i think you need to disable Esync then, coz they effectively cancel each other and Fsync is more performant, but little less compatible for now