Project Unhinged Artwork and Map Previews

Forgot that you mentioned RPG Maker earlier.

Whenever a Linux or even Android version is available, let me know. Hate Nintendo for locking me out of Pokémon if I don’t have a Nintendo device.

I wonder how much money they aren’t making by not allowing Pokémon to be played on PC, all because they are afraid of pirating and want to keep the “authentic” experience.
It’s still getting pirated! And I’d still enjoy it just as much on my computer! :face_with_symbols_over_mouth: :sob:

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Will do, I’m aiming at a demo for windows (only gameplay no story) in about a month. Mapping is mostly done (have 2 more outdoor areas and it will be up to where I had it before I started again with the new tileset)and then i need to go through and make sure everything works nicely together.

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Have added in a lot in the last few days. Reworked the Gym to be outside as it suits the leader, added in an optional area at the beginning with a cool reward if you can find your way (it’s pretty easy, the battle at the end well that depends on how prepared you are going in), added in 1 optional area with a few extra battles in the forest (have a second mapped but not added yet as item to get there not implemented yet), mapped out route 2 and an optional area with a mysterious house and started mapping the next town/city.


A few trainers put together for the next few routes, still have to do a female counter part to the last one but I may not, thinking of making him a boss.


Ended up making a female version of the last one


A few more trainers.
Added in a bit life into the world.


Only took me about 4 hours to figure out I was doing it completely wrong.


Updated the UI to make it a lot more modern, downside is I now have to go through any of the text that I have appearing in game and remove the colours from it as it makes the text a bit unreadable. Extended the Rave Cave some more (name of the place in the video about) to make a pathway to a second boss further in.

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Added in an achievement system, a page to the pokedex to show how each pokemon evolves, iv/ev check on summary page, someone to trade pokemon with (trades for something of close to the same by stats) and another guy who will trade for different forms of pokemon you already have. Also finish of the mapping of the Rave Cave (still have to add encounters to the last area and trainers) and added in another town and a water route to get there.



That looks a bit better I think, now to try find where these other images are for a few other screens and see if I can make them appear a bit better.


And lost all my interiors making silly choice to hit delete thinking I had things backed up, and luckily my I keep a few back ups because somehow the latest 1 I had made was corrupted.
Have redone the achievement menu but man, I keep spotting small areas I’d fixed that no longer are. All part of the journey.


After many hours I am close to where I was up to before but have added a few improvements as well, so going backwards is not always a bad thing. Here is a cool script I found to have a game of snake in it (or ekans as the creator calls it)


One of my illustrator friends has a favourite line he likes to shout, “Start over!”. He says it any time he feels stuck on a project, and believes that the new version always comes out better.

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That’s it, it can be frustrating but I have learnt so much working on this so far that I look at the beginning areas to where I have it up to now and it almost looks like 2 different people have put it together (there was actually a bit of a joke in another popular fangame about this exact same thing)

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Man, they have to stop adding pokemon, just went through the entire lot and removed almost all evolutions that require happiness or some random object that is only used for that 1 thing (had to keep a few like in the eevee line or that I wasn’t sure). Will have to go through and make sure the levels aren’t too low or high but I think I gave each a decent level.

Nintendo’s current cult leader: NEVER! :sweat_smile:

I think they only keep making Pokémon because Nintendo doesn’t want to allow games like what you are making and Pal World to exist.

Making sure the copyright is always active by adding old Pokémon to new games isn’t for nostalgia, it’s to make sure no one can use them. At least, this is just how I see it.

But I really don’t understand why they don’t allow others to remake Pokémon-related content, even if offered money to do so.

It’s like making a racing game, then telling people they can’t make something similar.

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I think they could hit a pretty decent market if they had a program that was standalone instead of having to Essentials and RPG Maker XP (which is ancient as now). Look at other games where people can make and share their own worlds, they all seem really popular especially with kids who are nintendos main market.

Exactly, they could allow others to create in a restricted manner using official tools, and they would profit even more.

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I honestly think a lot of it is cultural - there is a strong preference for maintaining as much control as possible over just about everything that runs through a lot of media produced in Japan.

For one wild example - there was a particularly large talent agency that wouldn’t allow photographs of any of the people they managed to be published anywhere, even on their own website where they profiled those people. We’re talking singers, actors, all kinds of creatives who’s faces were on TVs and movie screens all around the country, but completely banned from being published anywhere. If they appeared together at events with other people who weren’t under that agencies banner, they would have to be blacked out of the photograph before it could be published anywhere.

They eventually started to ease up on this kind of restrictive practice in 2018

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Only just noticed I did the sunnies different in each of these, I’ll darken up the OW sprites ones before I put him in game.