Have something you use every day that you think might be useful to others? Post it here.
Here’s one of mine:
# The output is similar to what you'd see by simply running pacman -Ss "search term"
# but each package name is prepended with a number. If you wish to install any of the
# packages after making a search, you simply enter in the number of the package, otherwise
# q to quit. Once you select which package to install, pacman -S is run and will ask for your
# password and confirm if you really wish to install the package.
if [[ -z "$search_term" ]]; then
echo "please enter a search term"
pacman -Ss "$search_term" | awk 'NR % 2 { printf "%s) %s\n", i += 1, $0 } !(NR % 2) { print $0; }'
read -p "which package do you wish to install (q to cancel): " usrans
if [[ "$usrans" == "q" ]]; then exit; fi
sudo pacman -S $(pacman -Ssq "$search_term" | sed -n "$usrans"p)
I often perform a search then an install, this simplifies that process
example output:
someone@somewhere~]$ ./pacwrapper.sh icons
1) extra/adwaita-icon-theme 3.36.1-1 [installed]
GNOME standard icons
2) extra/akonadiconsole 20.08.0-1 (kde-applications kdepim)
Akonadi management and debugging console
3) extra/breeze-icons 5.73.0-1 (kf5)
Breeze icon themes
4) extra/gnome-icon-theme-symbolic 3.12.0-6 [installed]
GNOME icon theme, symbolic icons
5) extra/icon-naming-utils 0.8.90-5
which package do you wish to install (q to cancel):
I have a little script that offloads RCUo tasks defined by boot parameter rcu_nocbs=cpulist to specific CPUs, in order to reduce latency on the other CPUs.
But no one is interested in this nerdy useless stuff
(Note: it’s not meant to provide accurate and detailed figures, but useful enough to have a quick performance overview. Run it in multi-user runlevel. Don’t use it for serious benchmarking, there are many other tools for that.)
# currect directory size checking
alias da='du -h -d1 | sort -k2' # sort by alphabet
alias ds='du -h -d1 | sort -h' # sort by size
Or a conversion subtitles/text files from “common” format into UTF-8 (to fix diacritic for my movie player). It mostly works.
find $dir -type f | sort -V | while read file; do
if [[ "$file" == *'.srt' ]] || [[ "$file" == *'.txt' ]] || [[ "$file" == *'.sub' ]]; then
echo "${file}"
#Convert windows ansii file into temporary UTF-8 text file
iconv -f "${orig_format}" "${file}" -t UTF-8 > "${file}.${tmp}"
#Remove original file
rm "${file}"
#Rename temp file to original file to take its place
mv "${file}.${tmp}" "${file}"
Some time ago I made this wrapper for checking if my password was leaked and is now on haveibeenpwned.com.
# this script compares sha1sum of entered password with a database on haveibeenpwned.com website
# if there is a match it is a good chance that this password is already in some dictionary decryptor
echo -n "Password to check:"
read -s password
echo -e "\n"
hash=$(echo -n "$password" | sha1sum | awk '{print $1}' | tr '[:lower:]' '[:upper:]')
prefix=$(echo -n "$hash" | cut -c -5)
echo -e "sha1sum:\n$hash\n"
retval=$(curl "https://api.pwnedpasswords.com/range/$prefix" 2> /dev/null)
for line in $(echo "$retval"); do
line_hash=$(echo -n "$prefix$line" | cut -d ":" -f 1)
if [ "$line_hash" == "$hash" ]; then
occur=$(echo -n $line | cut -d : -f 2 | tr -dc '[[:print:]]')
echo -e "\"$password\" is in the list $occur times"
exit 0
echo "\"$password\" not listed"
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# format USB device to exfat
# ensure a device is given
if [[ -z "$1" ]]; then
echo "No device specified ..."
echo "Usage: format-usb.sh /dev/sdy"
# get the last part of device path
device="$(echo $1 | cut -d'/' -f2)"
# create list of available devices
devices="$(lsblk -o NAME | egrep '^sd')"
# check if device is valid - abort if not
if ! [[ $devices =~ (^|[[:space:]])$device($|[[:space:]]) ]]; then
echo "$1 not found"
echo "Aborting"
exit 1
# check if device is removable - abort if not
[[ $(echo $(lsblk -no RM "$1" | head -n 1)) = '0' ]] && \
echo "Non removable device detected!" && \
echo "Aborting" && \
exit 1
# Ask for confirmation
read -r -p "Confirm reformat of '$1' [y/N] " resp
if [[ "$resp" =~ ^([yY][eE][sS]|[yY])$ ]]; then
# Repeat confirmation question
read -r -p "Irrevocably format '$1' [y/N] " resp2
if [[ "$resp2" =~ ^([yY][eE][sS]|[yY])$ ]]; then
# will do
echo "Formatting $1 ..."
# use gdisk to create new partition table
# and a single Microsoft basic data partition type
printf 'o\ny\nn\n\n\n\n0700\nw\ny\n' | \
sudo gdisk "$1" && \
sudo mkexfatfs "$1"1
# done
echo "Done"
echo "Formatting aborted"
echo "Formatting aborted"
# get public IP
IP=$(curl -s https://get.geojs.io/v1/ip)
echo ${IP}
# various methods of displaying the IP
#notify-send --urgency=normal --expire-time=5000 "Public IP " "\nYour public IP address is $IP\n"
#yad --title="Public IP" --text="Your public IP is '"$IP"'" --button=OK --center --width=300 --height=100
#zenity --info --text "Your public IP is '"$IP"'" --no-wrap
Every once in a while I go through www.linuxfromscratch.org. Doing this tutorial really helped me develop some good fundamental Linux knowledge. In order to help speed up some of the common monotonous tasks I wrote the below. Instead of sourcing it like the help text suggests, a function in your .bashrc is probably easier. You could also expand this script a bit more but this has served me well.
# run this by sourcing it, i.e. "source lfs -t" or ". lfs -t"
# you can make it easier on yourself by making an alias
# for example, alias lfs="source /path/to/lfs.sh"
# colors to use within the script
case "$1" in
./configure --prefix=/tools
make -j$(nproc)
make install
printf "${LBLUE}configured and compiled for the ${YELLOW}/tools${NC}${LBLUE} directory for package: ${LGREEN}$lfs_package_dir${NC}\n"
./configure --prefix=/usr
make -j$(nproc)
make install
printf "${LBLUE}configured and compiled for the ${YELLOW}/usr${NC}${LBLUE} directory for package: ${LGREEN}$lfs_package_dir${NC}\n"
printf "moving to $lfs_source_dir and removing $lfs_package_dir directory and files...\n"
cd $lfs_source_dir
rm -rf $lfs_package_dir
unset lfs_source_dir
printf "${LBLUE}all files have been removed and temp variables unset for package: ${LGREEN}$lfs_package_dir${NC}\n"
unset lfs_package_dir
export lfs_source_dir=$(pwd)
printf "${LBLUE}extracting files for package: ${LGREEN}$2{NC}\n"
file_list=$(tar -axvf $2)
created_dir=$(printf $file_list | cut -f1 -d"/")
export lfs_package_dir="$created_dir"
cd $lfs_package_dir
printf "${LBLUE}extraction complete. now in directory for package: ${LGREEN}$(pwd)${NC}\n"
printf "LFS Helper Script\n"
printf "\nOptions:\n"
printf " -i extracts the source file and then moves into the extracted directory\n"
printf " -t runs configure with the prefix set to /tools then runs make and make\n"
printf " install"
printf " -u same as -t, but with the prefix /usr instead of /tools\n"
printf " -r exits out of the directory and removes it and all its files as well as a\n"
printf " build directory, if one was created\n"