There was something in the latetest releases about it:
Bluetooth can now automatically switch between headset
and audio profile. and Added a module that can switch the bluetooth profile to headset
profile when a stream wants to record from it.
But I haven’t looked into or tested it myself.
My personal problem at the moment: Whenever a audio device is connected it starts muted. But I have the suspicion it’s a plasma-desktop related issue.
This sounds like exactly the thing. Will have to test this once im back home.
I also noticed that it doesn’t remember the states so if i have mited audio when no headphones are connected then ill have to unmite when connecting headphones
I’ve been giving it another go recently. I tried it a few months back, but was having lots of issues with being able to switch profiles for my Bluetooth headset. It seems more reliable this time around.
For future people coming here: it was a plasma issue.
I was so bothered today that I started digging. In ~/.config/plasma-org.kde.plasma.desktop-appletsrc there was a globalMute property for the volume-mixer that isn’t exposed in the UI and never got cleared:
I have tested pipewire and honestly, it’s pretty stable. My headphone work, speakers work, bluetooth headphones work. I do have trouble setting up EasyEffects and making the presets stick even after a reboot but that’s not pipewire’s fault…I think. But I do recommend sticking to pulseaudio since hardware may vary. Maybe mine is stable, but maybe on your hardware will be unstable
Ive been using pipewire for like 9 months without issues. I no longer have to deal with weird pulseaudio issues and i can get lower latency with lower cpu usage. Imo pipewire is a win unless you have some hardware that doesnt work for some reason.
I switched my main computer to Garuda and their default is still pulseaudio/pulseeffects. Lots of popping and cracking when switching audio, etc. I quickly removed it and replaced with pipewire/easyeffects, no popping/cracking and sounds much better imo.
Yeah Pipewire handles buffers much better than pulse so youre less likely to have crackling audio. You can avoid the suspending of devices which can cause a short pop on being woken up fairly easily in pipewire also.
It screws with it on Windows too:
If I have started firefox and THEN a game, I have to raise the volume in the game. If I start the game first, the volume is where I want it to be. So firefox adjust the main volume control, not only the volume within FF.