PC has gone from blazing fast and responsive to slow and unresponsive.


It looks like a Microsoft teams problem.


Reading about swapfiles got me wondering if this can solve my issue.
According to the archwiki, the only reason to use a swap file is to avoid the kernel killing processes, which is not happening with me

Cynical mode enabled: Either you need like 256GB of RAM, or you just need to change your way of working. 15 tabs of Firefox, just LOL that is one of the greediest programs for memory in existence. And with M$Teams and vscode? Why?

To solve your “issue” just buy more RAM and install it into your computer.

EDIT: Maybe I sounded like a donkey above, but why come back 10 days later trying to paint over what other people in this thread are suggesting? Just settle down and your computer and system will appreciate it. Are you developing a web application? I didn’t know it was so severe.

I’d think the RAM would be maxed out if that was causing the problem, but it’s usually at 10gb out of 15gb.
Added the swapfile, not sure if I’ve done it correctly, htop says 9.59M/7.44G on the Swp row. Not any change in performance from what I notice.

Regarding 10 days later is simply because I haven’t had time, and I’m not trying to “paint over” suggestions, I just pointed out when I read the arch wiki it explained a swapfile would solve an issue I don’t have.

All that 'Teams stuff and Firefox is overloading your system. Why do you even need 'Teams? to many Firefox tabs.

I have 5 tabs open on Brave, 4 xterms on an Intel i5 with 8 gig, only consuming 2.4 gig with very little cpu usage. Get rid 'Teams/etc.

I asked a question the OP didn’t answer. It could be the only reason to open M$Teams at all. It could be really top secret, hush! The government says to us. :female_detective:

Teams is used for work, so I need that up at all times