Pamac gui keeps freezing



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Get a room you two. :rofl:


For aur i only browe with pkgbrowser and yup as a ncurses aur helper

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For AUR, I browse with and yay. :slight_smile:


I have pamac and no issues that i know of. It would be nice to know what you are trying to install? It works for me on 3 different computers so i don’t know what the issue is but i have no idea what you have installed on your systems, what the hardware is, how it’s set up or what could be causing it because it doesn’t make sense to me.

There is a reason we set this distro as terminal centric distribution, there is a lot distro thats user friendly and Distrowatch is not a good source. We have to rely on ranking thats never good. ARch based distro is not necesarry user friendly even Manjaro has its quirks.

Most importand you learn how to manage a os and keep it running does not mather what you use, linux in the core can be a pain.

:slight_smile: Free to choose :slight_smile:


Sorry but Endeavour is terminal-centric, so therefore not beginner friendly.

What you said were bugs, don’t seem like bugs to me, they are things you have to work out because this is not a beginner OS.

Manjaro is my backup OS for computers that don’t play well with Endeavour, maybe you should give that a try again.

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I’d recommend you file a bug on the upstream issue tracker and work with the developer to fix the software.

If noone else has the same problem, but you can reliably replicate an issue, then you’re the one best placed to help make the software better.


How about Garuda Linux ??
Ask @SGS if you wanna know better !

Hope you find GUI centric distro that high on distrowatch… :wave:t2:

good luck on your linux journey :+1:t2:


Manjaro has dropped support for proprietary nvidia drivers though so it’s no longer a viable option to me

What??? :scream_cat: Where do you get this?

I have a similar problem:
yesterday Pacman worked fine
today I did a reinstall following the copy & paste BTRFS with Encryption tutorial
worked like a charm

installed Pacman, some stuff installs fine, other stuff, usually Larger apps it hands on “synchronizing packages”

installing the same packages through terminal seems to work just fine

Not sure what the problem is, just going to use terminal for now. But if someone figures out why this is happening I’d love to know.
I found Pacman to have a nice GUI, and it was convenient to have flatpack, Aur, snap, and everything all in one place. Honestly for me at least, it’s not a deal breaker though

No it hasn’t, that’s poppycock. But even if it has, you can get them from the AUR. You shouldn’t though, just install them using MHWD.


I just checked pkgbrowser out and installed yup and I can get by with using that.
Thanks for the recommendation.

Question with ncurses though, is it supposed to support mouse clicking in the terminal (Konsole)?
Because it ain’t registering my mouse clicks

Yes it has. They made a twitter post about the 5.9 kernel not supporting it or something like that.
Do a search of Manjaro dropping proprietary NVIDIA support before calling me a liar and accusing me of information YOU are misinformed about

Yes that article says Linux but a Manjaro twitter post which has now been deleted also said that Manjaro would only be using open source NVIDIA drivers.
Maybe you should keep up with the very latest Linux news before accusing me of being a liar

Yeah that’s where mine hangs too. Even on ArcoLinux which I just tried it does the same thing

Excuse me sir, but you might want to re-read it again :joy:

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I just had a rather big update in Arcolinux through Pamac. No issue to be reported on my end.

ps. posting from Arco

I literally just installed Arco, went to install 4 packages and it froze.
Left it running while frozen and 30 minutes later it’s still frozen while I’m browsing the web on it!