Although the question does not specifically concern the EndeavorOS ARM, but the pure Arch Linux ARM, I would like to ask. How frequent are package updates for Arch Linux x86_64? I recently installed Arh Linux ARM with Archboot on a UTM virtual machine on an M3 iMac. I adjusted the correct mirrors. Everything works fine, but I noticed that. that compared to the x86_64 version of EndeavorOS or pure Arch Linux, package updates are much rarer. While EndeavorOS receives package updates almost every day, even several times a day, Arch Linux ARM has not received an update for three days. It is natural?
Yes, that is the way it seems to be. But in their defense, Archlinux ARM operates with less man power and less resources than Archlinux.
As you can see here I had a similar question a couple of days ago.
Firefox packages on Arch ARM still did not get an upgrade.
I think a lot about what could be done about it. Lot of packages do get updates very regularly. So to me it seems I either have to step in and learn how to maintain those other packages myself possibly offering to do the job for Arch ARM (with the big IF about being allowed to).
Or accept that a lot of packages will not be maintained as frequently as I’d like to and look for alternatives provided within the repository.
Thanks @Pudge, that makes sense now. Where is the EndeavourOS ARM installer available?
Yes, during the installation, I noticed for the first time that Firefox is not the latest. For example, the situation is similar on openSUSE Tumbleweed, where I solved the installation of the latest Firefox by installing snap. (I don’t use Flatpak). I read your post on the forum anyway.
EnOS has 6 images available here is the
Here are the images offered
Thanks for the links. I forgot that there is no installer for silicon Mac yet. Anyway, that’s a great job you’re doing, congratulations. Developing for ARM is not that easy.