Will try this tomorrow. Thanks @Pudge
I used the following to create a new user and have it read the configs from /etc/skel
sudo useradd -m -G users -s /bin/bash new-username
Rebooted and logged in as new-username and got this
I guess it just needs eos-skel-ce-openbox and a little cleaning up.
Here is a neofetch of the openbox system. Note that this is on a Raspberry Pi 5b with 8 GB RAM. If it works on an ARM aarch64 device, it should also work on a x86_64 device.
I have the following eos-skel-ce-WMname files on
I checked and Luckily the PKGBUILDS were still available so I downloaded the PKGBUILDS to my RPi 5b dev computer. That way if someone in the future wants to revive a Community Edition (unofficially) it will be possible to change the eos-skel-ce packages if necessary.
Very nice! Installing A-Z on a new VM now to test.
@pudge - I didn’t have to create a new user! Here’s the A-Z. Thank you so much.
1.Boot from the current Galileo ISO
2.Select No desktop during the install.
3.After install, boot to TTY
4.Login and run:
git clone https://github.com/EndeavourOS-Community-Editions/openbox.git
cd openbox
bash openbox-install.sh
5.bash openbox-install.sh
will fail. Modify packages-repository.txt
- arc-x-icons-theme
- xcursor-neutral
- eos-skel-ce-openbox
- ttf-nerd-fonts-symbols
- xorg-xdpyinfo
6.Re-run bash openbox-install.sh
The script runs fine.
7.Reboot, Log back into TTY, then run:
sudo systemctl enable lightdm.service
sudo pacman -Syu python-pyxdg
8.Reboot and login via lightdm
Thanks for your update.
You got this working without doing a wget on eos-skel-ce-openbox and then manual install
eos-skel-ce-openbox using pacman -U ?
Yes sir. I did exactly what’s in the A-Z from earlier.
@Pudge - what do we have to do to get rid of the duplicate welcome screen, firewall, and audio in the sys tray? I took a look at the rc.xml and autostart files earlier today, but nothing stood out to me.
And finally, how do we get this into a script so we can just add it to the install like @joekamprad suggested earlier in the thread. I feel like we are super close. If it is too much effort, don’t worry about it. I’ve enjoyed that we’ve made it this far.
If the eos-skel-ce-openbox package is not needed, that will simplify things greatly.
I did a git clone and have the openbox directory on my computer. I have edited the openbox-install.sh and the packages-repository.txt files and I am ready to run openbox-install.sh
Hopefully, my changes will allow openbox-install.sh to run with out error. I am ready to test my changes.
If it works, I will have to get with @joekamprad and figure out how to get a fork then pull request OR perhaps Joe can add me as a contributer so I can write the changes out to github.
Awesome! Let me know if you want me to test anything. I’ll check back in the morning.
The test install went without a hitch. The new A to Z will be
1.Boot from the current Galileo ISO
2.Select No desktop during the install.
3.After install, boot to TTY
4.Login and run:
git clone https://github.com/EndeavourOS-Community-Editions/openbox.git
cd openbox
5. Reboot and login via lightdm
6. Remove the openbox folder in your home directory.
Now it is just a matter of getting the changes into the github EndeavourOS-Community-Editions repo. At the moment, I don’t think I have write permissions for that.
I will let you open a new Topic to see about the duplicate firewall and audio icons. I really don’t have any experience with the tint2 panel.
Thank you for your help.
Love my OpenBox, I will be sure to test it when it reaches its new home.
these are already removed from default repos …
as you want i can add you for sure i do not want the job
If @Pudge needs or wants help I can lend a hand as well.
i added @Pudge there already i can add you too if needed or you can Pull Request also from outside, would need admin to merge the request…
I saw the invitation and clicked on “I accept” but so far I don’t see where I have been added.
I sent a pull request with the changes.
I can see youa re added there so you should be able to merge directly . I not send me pm
I think all the github files in EndeavourOS-Community-Editions have been updated.
@thefrog @TheLinuxITGuy @sammiev and anyone else who wants to test this as such
1. Boot from the current Galileo ISO
1a. ARM devices, Use method 3 to download proper ddimg image & burn to uSD
2. Select "No desktop" during the Calamares install.
3. After install, boot
4. switch to TTY3 (Ctrl-Alt-F3)
5. Login and run:
git clone https://github.com/EndeavourOS-Community-Editions/openbox.git
cd openbox
./openbox-install.sh (see if this is executable, if not "chmod 755 openbox-install.sh")
6. Reboot and login via lightdm
7. Remove the openbox folder in your home directory.
Hopefully testing will be successful, If not let me know.
At this point this should leave the duplicate icons in the tint2 panel as the only known problems.
Firewall Audio and two welcome window after a bootup.
Will be doing this later today as the temperatures are ideal for computer work