One of the main developers for yay is stepping away from development to work on his own aur helper

Don’t know - and not sure I see how it would help. yay still won’t build from an altered PKGBUILD if it includes dependency changes, AFAIK. AS for downloading - that’s one click on the Arch site…

What errors do you get when building modified PKGBUILDs?
(Sorry, is going offtopic fast…)

Yup! Off-topic is my speciality!

No errors - it just ignores the changes (in the dependencies), apparently because it has already ‘resolved’ them before the editing is done. Useless!

What is the use case for that? Are you removing dependencies?

For instance, I build conky-cairo - which is fairly configurable. It can be built with or without lua integration, with or without audacious support, with or without nVidia support, and from mainline or git (as well as other items). No need for nVidia for me, but I do want audacious and lua, and a new(ish) version - so I go with makepkg -si after editing…

Wouldn’t it be easier to maintain your own PKGBUILD for that instead of using AUR?

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This particular PKGBUILD is set up for that usage, so I don’t have to! Not to mention that is where I learned enough of how PKGBUILDs work to even contemplate your suggestion… :grin:

It is set up with lots of #comments to make it easy - and for me it came with yaourt to enable the changes (scorned or not - yaourt worked well).

This confused me. Then I read more and within context it makes perfect sense.

I just hope this isn’t taken out of context by someone! :sweat_smile:


But but.


Haha…I guess it should say don’t combine -Sua with -Sya for out of context clarity. :smile:

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How backward of you :grin: I only use that with a previous date selected, and some mods to the mirrorlist…

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I actually like pikaur more than yay. So I’m not worried if yay or paru doesn’t meet expectations; there is a nice alternative in pikaur.

That being said, competition is good, hopefully whatever the dev’s motivations for starting paru, hopefully it causes everyone to raise their game to the highest level. I’m always willing to try something new.


Been using paru since it came out and it updated itself yesterday. So far so good, no issues. Will let it run it course for the next few months to see where it goes.

I switched to paru. Everything works as expected.Nevertheless would be interesting to read some statement from yay. Is there any?

Why would there be? A developer leaving an open source project to do their own thing is fairly commonplace.


Because Morganamilo is writing

Most of the features and design being done by me.


Jguer is still there, so there’s no need to panic and move away from yay. Just don’t expect much new development on it.

At least for me this sounds like yay is more or less dead and I’d just like to know if Jguer has different opinion.
Anyway, not much important, was just interested.

So, is this a “Oh no! Anyway…” situation?

Is there a way for paru to show results with the first one at the bottom, like yay does?
For instance, when I search for firefox I can’t see the first 400 options.
And I cannot scroll that much upwards.

OK - several things mentioned in here! First off, the item you asked for:

paru firefox --bottomup

Then, should you need it, scrollbak size can usually be set as you want. In XFCE, xfce4-terminal has an option in Preferences/General/Scrollback to set this value - or to be check off as Unlimited. Other terminals have similar settings…
Finally, you could pipe the output through sort -r to get similar results as --bottomup, if it did not have that option :grin:

Hopefully this gets you where you want to be…


It certainly does!
I hope I’ll remember this when I need it. :rofl: