One of the main developers for yay is stepping away from development to work on his own aur helper

My dumbhead forgot to add a P… (read dumbhead read!)
Thx birdy.

It’s not the reading that’s the problem… it’s the comprehension! Especially when jumping into the middle of a man file rather than typing man yay into your own terminal. WAAAAY too easy to miss stuff in a man file that way! (I do it all the time too).

Haven’t tried this but he says at

Color: Paru only enables color if color is enabled in pacman. Enable color in your pacman.conf.

Sorry if this is not what you meant, I’m not at all familiar with paru.

I have color enabled in pacman but the issue isn’t only the lack of color, that entire display format is gone. I suspect this was done deliberately as part of this:

Formatting changes to be more pacman like

However, part of what makes the yay output great is that it isn’t “pacman like”. That being said, it isn’t the end of the world, I will just keep using yay. :smile:


I think I’ll try paru quite soon. :sweat_smile:


Thanks for covering for me. :yum:

paru looks like much faster in checking AUR updates:

$ time yay -Syua
:: Searching AUR for updates...
 there is nothing to do

real	0m8,578s
user	0m10,500s
sys	0m0,853s
$ time paru -Syua
:: Looking for AUR upgrades
:: Looking for devel upgrades
 there is nothing to do

real	0m0,275s
user	0m0,205s
sys	0m0,034s

I’m wondering if paru is actually doing anything…


You should probably not combine -Su with -Sy.

You don’t want to update your database and then not update your repo packages.

I am not sure about paru but yay actually ignores the y in this case for safety reasons. Some helpers don’t do this though so it worth being careful with.


This checks only AUR packages…

Well - it found all the updates for AUR and regular on my system - and updates them successfully (including yay-bin!) - if that means much! It uses pacman, probably in much the same way - and pacman hooks get executed - multiple times for AUR updates.

Still can’t tell if it does what I want for editing PKGBUILDs before resolving dependencies - I’ll have to update conky-cairo on some ‘non-regular-use’ system first I guess…

That is the problem. It updates the package database and then only installs the AUR updates.

You don’t generally want to update the package database unless you are update the repo packages. In this case, yay ignores it but not all helpers do.

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I don’t think it updates package database of Arch packages. It only checks AUR packages.
It is not asking for elevated privileges.

That is because yay is ignoring the -Sy part.

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I don’t know what you mean.
Isn’t it so that with the a option (–aur) all operations are performed only on AUR software?

-Sy has only one purpose. It updates the package database. When combined with -Sa, it will do one of two things depending on which helper you use.

  • It will be ignored
  • It will update the package database which you probably don’t want

Given that fact, why use it? -Sua is safer and does the same thing.


OK. Looks like both yay and paru are ignoring the y in -Syua, because y is meaningful only with Arch packages.
Thanks for pointing that out.

Anyway, my post was about the time difference about AUR update checks.
Do you or anyone else know why paru seems so much faster than yay?

I haven’t looked at the code but it looks to me like paru isn’t really checking for devel upgrades even though it says it is.

Here is my output:

]>> ./paru -Sua --devel                                                  
:: Looking for AUR upgrades
:: Looking for devel upgrades
:: Resolving dependencies...
:: Calculating conflicts...
:: Calculating inner conflicts...
:: Marked out of date: inxi

Aur (1) bpytop-1.0.47-1

:: Proceed to review? [Y/n]: n
>> yay -Sua                                                                                                                                
[sudo] password for evan: 
:: Searching AUR for updates...
:: Checking development packages...
 -> Flagged Out Of Date AUR Packages:  inxi
:: 3 Packages to upgrade.
3  aur/bpytop                     1.0.46-1      -> 1.0.47-1
2  devel/kvantum-theme-layan-git  r30.fa1650c-1 -> latest-commit
1  devel/layan-kde-git            r30.fa1650c-1 -> latest-commit
==> Packages to exclude: (eg: "1 2 3", "1-3", "^4" or repo name)

Even putting that aside though. It does seem to be substantially faster.

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Thanks! So it seems that even though paru looks promising and fast, all features are not yet at the same level as in yay.

It seems so - but I still don’t see (in the man file) any way to edit PKGBUILDs before installing, it just seems to show them (unpaged). So, my choice is to keep yaourt going (!) - or just do it properly…(makepkg -si).

yay -Ga <aur-pkg>
yay -G <arch-pkg>
downloads PKGBUILD and related stuff.
Can’t check now but does the same work with paru?