No wifi after hard freeze during AUR package installation

This did not have any effect on my problem.

The crash happened while installing FreeCAD-git with yay, searched yay freecad and selected the number for the git repo.
The install had been going on for few minutes when I opened a new tab in my browser and everything just stopped working, fan went to max. I have 16 GB of RAM, so I am not sure I replenished that.

I guess both stopped working. I can’t turn the wifi on my computer on, it stays off. Which made me consider systemctl enable but I had no luck with that (maybe because I am not sure what parameter to use).

If Ethernet is wi-fi, then yes. I have only used this computer with wi-fi. I am tethered to hotspot on my phone through Bluetooth.

I haven’t used lts-kernel and I am really not considering it at the moment, unless nothing else works.