No sound from speakers on fresh install

Will try! Sorry for the radio silence I am taking a few days off the computer :sweat_smile:

I had a tangentially related problem with a Dell latitude 9520 laptop. In that case I had only dummy output for audio.

After mucho headaches, I solved it thanks to this thread

using quirk 0x80A, under Kubuntu 21.10 (older kernel than linked comment, so different quirk, mentioned in a post below the linked one).

Atlantis does not detect audio either ootb; I assume it could be made to work with quirk 0x2022, but haven’t tested yet. Since that Kubuntu install works perfectly I’m in no hurry to nuke it just yet.

I am not sure how closely related my problem might be to OP’s, but I thought it was worth mentioning here, in case there is something useful in the linked thread.

edit: tried testing under EOS Atlantis live, there is no /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base.conf, even after installing pipewire-alsa, so I’m unsure where pipewire expects to find instructions of the form “options snd_soc_sof_sdw quirk=0x…”. This will probably require a topic of its own when I tackle that…

Might be interesting to see, which parts of pipewire are installed.
What is the output of yay -Qs pipe?

Hi everyone! First of all thanks for all the helpful comments, this is indeed a great community! After login in today updating the system and waiting a few minutes the speakers now magically works :exploding_head: :partying_face:


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