No response on ADB devices

so what if i want to go back to zen lernel

should be an option in your boot loader screen
should see entry for linux zen and for the linux lts

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Thanks @thefrog i will try and let’s see if it works

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Have you made sure to allow the connection on the device after running a command? On my device I need to hit accept on the phone and then run whichever command a second time

Yes, i m sure becz the device is showing on my files but adb had got some problems

And even after changing the kernel it’s same

Can you provide me the output of

adb version

regardless of the rsa signature he should still get output from the commands. since he’s not getting output but for the version command i think it has to do with the kernel but i could be (was) completely wrong thats why i told them to go with the lts kernel.

Can daemon had been the issue ?
Becz its not showing that ist running or not

I believe it is since its happening with both kernels. try to reinstall adb

I’m on the same version as you
Android Debug Bridge version 1.0.41

Sir i had installed adb using android-tools is there other one ?

i’m not sure i always run a package list anymore but the name in the list is


so do
pacman -S android-tools

Can you tell me the path of your adb, like where is it installed ?


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Did everything but nothing worked !!!

seems like a deamon problem I wonder if this

has something to do with it?

What re u using on dbus units ?
While updating I had choose dbus-broker instead of daemon.

Is it becz of that daemon is not running ?

I haven’t updated to the dbus-broker yet but i suspect that is the issue.

:sweat_smile: If you update it later plz tell me if you face same problem.

Sir can you provide me the output of

which adb

Now i think it might be the issue of dbus units.

Sir now what should I do will there be some updates regarding it
But it’s still not sure if the issue is becz of dubs units or not.