I’d like to automount the nfs share from my synology nas and i read documentation about nfs+autofs with systemd etc etc but i didn’t understand how i can set up my credentials to access to that share without using username+password in clear to fstab file:
In past i used put credentials to windows share in dolphin (i use plasma) and i know it’s insicure but i used it just with the fstab row above - now i read this function is deprecated
I have a Synology DS218. The way that I’ve done it is to map the user GID on the Synology itself, - so there’s no need for a username or password on my Linux clients:
Synology GUI, - Control Panel - Shared Folder - Edit (Folder Share) - NFS Permissions ; add your user there and map all users to admin, or to the level that you need. I’ve also set NFS to V3 max.