New User wants to say "Hello" to everybody

AKCHUALLY… the word “members” does not rhyme with “numbers” in more than one syllable (which is a pretty weak rhyme), at least if properly pronounced. The problem in this particular case is in the fact that, for both words, the stress is on the penultimate syllable (MEMbers, not memBERS), so it takes two syllables for the rhyme to be perceived as strong. For example, “members” rhymes with “embers”, “Decembers”, while “numbers” rhymes with “plumbers”. A rhyme remains tolerable even if one of the consonants is replaced by its voiceless counterpart, for example, “numbers” – “bumpers”, as long as it is in the unstressed syllable. ZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzz…

You’d be very surprised how many rap/hip-hop songs rely on “weak” rhymes, especially while one moves chronologically away from the 1980’s. Especially for people whose favorite language is not English, “members” and “numbers” works out nicely in a rhyme. :slight_smile:

Not proper spelling and/or grammar could work out well too, anything goes:
“See how I sound a little unrational, a lot of M.C.'s like to use their words dramatical” – this at the end of one song by a well-known artist from the northeastern U.S.A. in the late-1980’s, without joking.

(LOL maybe this would be a contribution to the “Listening to now” thread, see if keybreak could figure it out…)

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Welcome to the community. Enjoy your time. And please any issues then ask away that’s why we are here :slight_smile:

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@Oelepalele welcome!

It probably took you a longer time to gradually decrease the font size of your text than to come up with that masterclass lecture on the technicalities of what constitutes a rhyme…


Given the extensive contributions of @Kresimir in this topic I’d say that rap/hip-hop is not his area of expertise :joy:


Yeah, but rap is the McDonald’s of music/poetry. You do not want rap to be the measure of what is good.


Ironically i know who sampled that best:



Boogie Down Productions - My Philosophy

Fear not!
In 10 years kids will judge movies by TikTok influencers… :rofl:


Welcome aboard!! :rocket:



Plus million coolness points for the clown! :clown_face:

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