New Facebook Group! :)

Spotify isn’t owned by Facebook :wink:

OK, the few days we can wait …

What baby flags this? It’s an opinion, and a pretty bloody valid one at that…

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I’ve been asking myself that all along. This is probably the result of “political correctness”
Just don’t offend anyone with your own opinion … sad …


Well, it violates multiple forum rules so…

First, this is an all ages type place and the language isn’t appropriate.

Second, it is a personal attack on someone for posting a link to a facebook site they made to promote/discuss the distro.

The fact that you don’t like facebook doesn’t make someone else a troll.

Lastly, I am the one who flagged it.





:yawning_face: profile button answer the question… no feed :vulcan_salute:

I don’t feel comfortable in this community anymore, please set my account to inactive! I don’t know if and when I will visit again. You are impossible!

I appreciate your initiative to show your support for EndeavourOS but now I think you have an idea of why we don’t have an official Facebook account.
I’m completely fine with you running this, as long as you make it clear the channel isn’t an EOS official channel. (A little message up front would’ve been nice though, we (the founders) don’t bite :wink:)

As for the whole Facebook discussion, don’t turn this into a strong opinioned crossfire. It is unnecessary and also a waste of your own energy. If you don’t like a certain thread, then move on to another thread and let it be.

Nobody over here is trying to dictate what you should like or not, just treat each other with respect.
We all have one thing in common over here and that is our love for an Arch-based system, so don’t let a heated discussion cloud that common interest. :wink: :purple_heart:


It does seem counterintuitive. On the other hand, shouldn’t we be trying to enlighten users of these other platforms about the privacy issues and about the availability of excellent alternative operating systems? Shouldn’t we, therefore, engage with them?

Although I know almost nothing myself about how Facebook works, I wonder whether there is a way to promote EndeavourOS and other opensource projects on Facebook and similar platforms.

When I follow the link in the original post, though, I see the following:

Only members can see who’s in the group and what they post.

Anyone can find this group.

Again, I know almost nothing about Facebook, so I’m just wondering: How would someone find (or stumble upon) this group? If I’m not already a member of this “private” group, how would I discover the wisdom that has been posted in the group?

Thank you for letting me know. I have already fix it :slight_smile:


Thanks for the correction. I was unaware of this. I joined Spotify very near their beginning, then I read that they were selling the business to Facebook. I contacted them to express my dislike and cancelled my account. They replied and said they thought it was the best way to broaden the userbase. Obviously they must have changed their minds! I’ve just read the Wikipedia page about them and that isn’t even mentioned. All these years I’ve avoided them because I was unaware of the reality! :laughing:

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He looks like he’s wearing an ill fitting human costume.

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Isn’t your MySpace group underwater? :frog:

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We have possibilities. There’s Mastodon, Diaspora, Telegram.

One of these is not like the others…

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Signal may be very secure in the way to communicate. Main problem is like with WhatsApp that you have to uncover your (mobile) number to everybody else in the group, which will be a great problem for users that want to hide their privacy. I am using signal, but only in private live and not for business purposes and only with people I have met in real live.


Not good too :upside_down_face:

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