Linux gaming [Guide]

This seems to be the current go to version.


:space_invader: :space_invader: :space_invader:

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wine-ge-custom was released a week ago. It can be easily extracted in the Lutris runners.


Awesome news! :partying_face:

I’d add it in the guide right away…but there’s a problem with edit again :unamused:

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Thanks! No AUR package yet. I think I will wait and see if someone creates one…for ease and updates.

Updated article with some links for Wine-GE :yum:


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I installed Salient OS this past week but after a few reboots it wouldn’t log in and kept bumping out to the login screen. :angry:

:enos: FTW!


Hmm? Say what? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

For The Win :face_with_raised_eyebrow:


I’ve never had any issues with Salient OS
only with steam.
with xfce4 comes i3wm
but I’m not a gamer
just wanted to try steam

Lutris 0.5.9 Beta Released With Epic Games Store Support, DXVK-NVAPI/DLSS, Gamescope



ok, wow, I’ve not actually fully followed the guide, but I’m very impressed with the state of linux gaming. I’ve tried 4/5 titles that are supposedly windows only (one of them just released btw), setting them up with Lutris (meaning that I’ve logged into my GoG account and clicked “install”) and everything works flawlessly. I understand that not every game is so “lucky” but the situation is much better then even just a couple of years ago!

EDIT: apparently is possible to unlearn how to speak a language :expressionless:


I have not yet found a game I would like to play, which does not work on Linux with satisfactory performance. Of course, the “I would like to play” criterion narrows it down quite a bit…

But I am perfectly content with the games I can play on Linux. It’s much more than I ever asked for.


Nice list for state of work for online games with anti-cheat crap:

Great guide, written quiet clearly

About the only games I haven’t been able to get to run lately are ones that are incompatable with my intel gpu

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Yes that’s not so good in terms of gaming, unless games are fairly old or specifically unlucky :frowning:

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Good thing most of the games I enjoy are pretty old or use simpler graphics

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