#### gruntz commented on [2020-10-18 07:56](https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/nvidia-390xx/#comment-771017)
This is how I build the package for kernel 5.9:
1) Git clone the "Git Clone URL:" above as usual.
2) Go to https://bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php?id=259936 and copy the loqs`s patch into the cloned source, and name it, for example, "kernel-5.9.patch"
3) Generate hash sum for the new file with: "sha256sum kernel-5.9.patch" command ( replace filename if needed )
4) Edit "PKGBUILD", and add:
4.1) kernel-5.9.patch to the "source" array;
4.2) add the generated sum to "sha256sums" array;
4.3) add "patch -Np1 -i ../kernel-5.9.patch" in the "prepare()" section;
5) Save file, exit, and makepkg as normal.
No problems here … AMD Ryzen 7/RX5700XT … everything’s working perfectly; no issues with dkms/digimend/painting, yay. Wizards of Linux have done a great job!
Strangely enough, I am on the 5.9 kernel and not noticing any issues at all so far and I have a 1050ti running the proprietary driver. My system still boots up lighting quick, I think ram usage is slightly less than it was before, and all of the games i have tested so far still perform fine for me. I know i am probably the odd one out and it is advised to downgrade to the previous kernel, but unless it actually starts posing a problem i think i am going to stick with 5.9. Atleast i have regular system snapshots so if something does go wrong i can just revert back.
5.9.1 not looking good here. Running a ryzen 9 3900x and rtx 2070 with the zen kernel. Essentially I am getting freezes, like the keyboard, mouse and graphics are frozen, but audio is fine. For example, if I press numlock, the light stays on. I found a way to unfreeze which is switch tty and comeback. It cost me a ranked game on AOE3DE though.
Well, that’s what the previous package maintainer did, too, he just updated the PKGBUILDs to apply the patches from @loqs and others. So, while it may be a small thing to you, it is no small thing to us who depend on it.
Also it is obviously not a small thing to the previous maintainer as he got fed up doing it, and no TU wants to take those packages, probably for a reason.
Fine. I’ve adopted all the 390xx packages to keep them secure and put a big “THIS PACKAGE NEEDS A MAINTAINER” disclaimer on the AUR pages. If it’s just a case of applying someone else’s patches then I can cope with that until someone else steps up.
In all seriousness Linus uses a Threadripper 3970X with a random RX580 graphics card from my understanding. He’s a coder not a gamer so he wouldn’t have any use for an RTX 3090.
I watched a youtube video in which a guy was copying his build…
We have another option, did you watch the RTX 3000 series release? There was a Japanese guy presenting the new cards, we could install endeavouros in his computer…