This doesn’t mean Qt. It means I can’t remember, and I’m not able to search the correct detail. If you know the issue, you should be able to add more, not just argue. WTF? If you think I troll, be clear. Or… let me be…
Maybe you’re thinking of QML and Qt-Quick ?
Bad news since i use latte dock
If I have a maximised window, I don’t want any panel visible, as that goes contrary to the whole concept of maximisation. It’s not maximised if it shares the screen with some panel.
Nah it doesn’t, what you’re describing is fullscreen, maximization should include panel (well in case one choose not to with self-hiding panels and all that jazz)
There are many valid reasons to have window maximized and still having panel visible
What does the word “maximise” mean? Can you look up the definition?
It’s not linguist club, it’s computer jargon club!
P.S. I’d like to clownize my windows
thats what fullscreen mode is for. I need the panel visible when maximizing windows.
Aren’t you satisfied by wobbly windows?
Hey! How do you know my windows are wobbly?!
I don’t. I just assumed you knew what wobbly windows are.
PS. I hae a strong urge to send a screenshot of Windows (the OS) with a clown background.
No no no, you’re burnt mr. federal agent!