i have being using "brightness controller " app when i started using manjaro os. because the brightness of my lcd is disturbing me. i found no other software works better than this.
i used to download it using pamac gui.
how that i have not got pamac gui install just yet.
ppl are advocating me to use command line… i tried… but not that impressed. did i have it wrong ?
pls look into the attached cmd line history.
pacman (i know it won’t search anything outside of repo, that’s find)
yay also failed to search for it, even after i have entered the partial name of the app. i can’t remember the whole name.
after i have faintly recalled the name of the app, i typed it in and yay shows me the result.
i mean, "how anybody able to find software that they are looking for if a little part of the name is not spelled out , yay won’t get you the thing you wanted " ?
search for brightness app
[endea-andrew@endea-msi ~]$ pacman -Si brightness-controller
error: package 'brightness-controller' was not found
[endea-andrew@endea-msi ~]$ pacman -Si brightness-controll
error: package 'brightness-controll' was not found
[endea-andrew@endea-msi ~]$ yay -Si brightness-controll
:: Querying AUR...
-> Missing AUR Packages: brightness-controll
[endea-andrew@endea-msi ~]$ yay -Si brightness-controller-git
:: Querying AUR...
Repository : aur
Name : brightness-controller-git
Keywords : None
Version : 2.3.1-3
Description : Control Brightness of your Primary and Secondary Display in Linux
URL : https://github.com/LordAmit/Brightness
AUR URL : https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/brightness-controller-git
Groups : None
Licenses : GPL
Provides : None
Depends On : pyside2 xorg-xrandr python-cx_freeze qt5-charts qt5-xmlpatterns qt5-speech qt5-x11extras qt5-tools qt5-svg qt5-sensors qt5-remoteobjects qt5-websockets qt5-datavis3d qt5-3d qt5-script qt5-webengine
Make Deps : git
Check Deps : None
Optional Deps : None
Conflicts With : None
Maintainer : dracorp
Votes : 3
Popularity : 0.200408
First Submitted : Wed 28 Feb 2018 05:40:20 PM CET
Last Modified : Mon 11 May 2020 11:24:43 PM CEST
Out-of-date : No
[endea-andrew@endea-msi ~]$
Note that the command for searching is yay -Ss and not yay -Si yay -Si will query the database to give detailed info about the package name you specify.
You first search for the application with yay -Ss <keywords> This presents the list of results with their description.
$ yay -Ss brightness controller
aur/budgie-advanced-brightness-controller-applet 1.2.3-2 (+0 0.00)
Advanced Brightness Controller is a Budgie Desktop applet for productivity
aur/brightness-controller-git 2.3.1-3 (+3 0.20)
Control Brightness of your Primary and Secondary Display in Linux
aur/lux 1.2-1 (+6 0.23)
POSIX Shell script to easily control brightness on backlight controllers.
aur/light-git 1.2.2.r2.g33f2316-1 (+31 0.82)
Program to easily change brightness on backlight-controllers.
community/light 1.2.2-1 (31.2 KiB 79.4 KiB)
Program to easily change brightness on backlight-controllers.
From the search you can know the exact package name you want. Then you can query to get more info about that package with yay -Si <package-name>
yay -Si brightness-controller-git ─╯
:: Querying AUR...
Repository : aur
Name : brightness-controller-git
Keywords : None
Version : 2.3.1-3
Description : Control Brightness of your Primary and Secondary Display in Linux
URL : https://github.com/LordAmit/Brightness
AUR URL : https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/brightness-controller-git
Groups : None
Licenses : GPL
Provides : None
Depends On : pyside2 xorg-xrandr python-cx_freeze qt5-charts qt5-xmlpatterns qt5-speech qt5-x11extras qt5-tools qt5-svg qt5-sensors qt5-remoteobjects qt5-websockets qt5-datavis3d qt5-3d qt5-script qt5-webengine
Make Deps : git
Check Deps : None
Optional Deps : None
Conflicts With : None
Maintainer : dracorp
Votes : 3
Popularity : 0.200064
First Submitted : Wed 28 Feb 2018 10:10:20 PM IST
Last Modified : Tue 12 May 2020 02:54:43 AM IST
Out-of-date : No
Then you choose which one you want to install. So in this case, if I want to install brightness-controller-git, I run command yay -S brightness-controller-git
Difference between pacman -Ss and yay -Ss : pacman -Si will run the query only on the package repository (core, extra etc.) and NOT on the AUR. yay -Si will run the query on both repository and the AUR. Same pattern follows for other subcommands.
Command line can get frustrating at first. But once you get the hang of it, you start finding it easy
Just out of curiosity, if you don’t like using the terminal (or the “command line”) why did you install EndeavourOS, which is marketed as “a terminal-centric distro with a dynamic and friendly community in its core”?
While you can go out of your way and try not use the terminal on EndeavourOS, that’s really swimming against the current.
This is @andrew_ysk 's thread and I recommended to him not to follow your advice, because from my experience, that will lead to more trouble with package management.
Then don’t compare me to “the Arch guys” on a forum where everyone has a knee-jerk reaction to that as being unfriendly and elitist. If you are going to call me that, I’m going to take offence.
I doubt you meant it in the sense of “don’t be so handsome, intelligent, and sophisticated like those Arch guys”.
It’s just an innocent distant comparison which did not state you are like them . So you don’t need to bother about that . And always consider the language barrier and the emojis
“I didn’t call you an idiot, it was just an innocent distant comparison which did not state that you’re an idiot. So you don’t need to bother about that. Here is an emoji ”
Not trying to speak on someone’s behalf. But I don’t find this sentence to be derogatory. @Hystrix probably meant that rather than teaching and making the OP understand stuff, the way an arch user would do, lets give him the kind of solution he wants. We are open towards teaching newbie users, on the condition that they want to learn.
The OP, in this case seems to be frustrated because he couldn’t get the right command to use. Thats human behavior, and even though I bat for using the terminal usually, in this case I would suggest him to get his job done via pamac right now, and learn terminal commands when he has the mind to do so. Everybody’s got a starting point. And how much they learn depends upon the support they get.
Language barriers are real, and a statement given in good faith may be perceived to be in a negative tone by person living in a different region.