Laptop Discrete Graphics card (AMD) are not used

I tried to force the radeon card on reboot as before and it just refuses to boot using it.

it looks somehow like you may done some configs/changes that are wrong…
A clean reinstall would be cleaner to use…

both do work as far as i know… at least for this file it is that… and running mkinitcpio -P //

And it should load the discrete GPU also without setting it to early boot the module… so some configs done may screw it up …

A clean install of EOS or the drivers?

This is a totally different issue and needs more info and logs to identify what maybe wrong. I would suggest creating a new topic and provide detailed logs from Xorg and relevant filtered journal logs.

OS i mean if you can do it i would do a clean OS install to remove all configs and start from scratch without following this video tutorial :wink:


It just so happens that i have separate partitions for root and home. I really dont want to reconfigure the plasma desktop… if i knew the config files to remove specifically then i can redo the root partition and theoretically not lose the configuration of the DE.

What do you mean reconfigure the plasma desktop? :thinking: I run plasma and i don’t have to configure anything. I make minor settings changes which i do on all desktops. Background, icons, appearance etc… but minor! Nothing that is going to break it.

That’s what I mean with “if” :rofl:

:rofl: ok, so if i reinstall on the root partition then my DE and settings wont change right?

Ive gone through and changed shortcuts and settings all throughout plasma to get it to the point i have it adjusted for my workflow. 1 example is the virtual desktop setup i have, it took a lot to set it up.

if you do not want/can reinstall it is all files on linux :wink:
We can check what exactly you have done on following the video tutorial and go to revert this-

Is there a way to modify the kernel during installation? Can you change settings in anyway so that it disables or ignores hardware? Is there a difference between regular, lts and zen? I can run tests with the other kernals loaded.

If the issue is solved I’m not sure why you want to do these things. It was just suggested that if you did a clean install would be better knowing that nothing has been altered that is wrong causing the issue in the first place. No one is saying you have to do this it’s just that you shouldn’t have had this issue so something maybe you did caused it.

If you want to install other kernels there is a package called AKM which is a kernel manager that allows you to install the lts kernel or zen kernel etc. Please paruse the EOS wiki which is filled with lots of information for new users to EOS and Arch. Then if you need an answer to something specific that you are trying to accomplish you could open a new topic.

Im only theory crafing. Ill let this thread close and open a new thread if I come across a problem.

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