Kathmandu, here we come!

Well I bite the bullet.

Use little resources and the graphics work smooth without lag.


Well…not so good for me :frowning: I’m now in my backup system…gathering the broken pieces… BLAST…GDM would not start with a screen not found…so i’m trying to see what went wrong…


OK —it’s xhost: screen not found I’m in the backup system & will just use a terminal update until I can use the main system…unless anyone has any ideas… The system was working OK just before the upgrade…don’t know why it would do “no screens found”…

Changes I made in pacman.conf

SigLevel = PackageRequired
Include = /etc/pacman.d/endeavouros-mirrorlist

Include = /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist

Include = /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist

Include = /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist

Include = /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist

Include = /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist
sudo pacman -Syyuu

then rebooted, that was it.


That makes sense…I didn’t include core-testing… I’ll re-update & re-check…DUH…


Yes…I’m up now…Dash to Dock was not working…but the git version is…so almost every extension works (at least the ones I use) Arch Linux Updates Indicator is not & Lock Keys is not…GTK4 Desktop Icons NG…is not, but Desktop Icons NG (DING) is…so, not bad.


You won’t need the second -u when you are upgrading, switching to testing repos.

It is needed though if you will be switching back to the regular repos and want to downgrade your packages.


GTK4 Desktop Icons NG (DING) is now working…Just needed a restart for it to catch up…

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I’m sticking Gnome 45 for now and… it’s OK :+1: Changing the “Activities” button to a workspace indicator makes a big difference for such a small change. I get the impression that the Gnome developers are focusing a bit more on usability & user feedback in the 40+ series, which is very welcome.

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Just set up the “testing” version of Arch Linux Updates Indicator (available on his git)…the only extension that I normally use that is not working is Lock Keys (and that is not a deal breaker)…

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already in the regular repos

[2024-03-24T00:50:25+0100] [ALPM] upgraded gnome-shell (1:45.5-1 → 1:46.0-1)

Some of my “can’t-live-without” extensions are not supported yet.
Let’s see if I’ll survive GNOME 46 :rofl:


about 50% of my extensions are not yet supported. back to 45.5 I go :sweat_smile:

It seems we got the Gnome upgrade really early this time around - the Fedora beta that comes with v.46 isn’t even out yet :exploding_head:


I was rather surprised to see how fast things moved from gnome-unstable to extra-stable and now into extra.

I wonder if it might be the influence from Fabian of FGCU, who relatively recently joined the maintainer team. :thinking:

openSUSE Tumbleweed had the upgrade as well a couple of days ago and left me with broken extensions and a :broken_heart:. So I knew what to expect in my Arch installs.

I am though adapting quite rapidly to my “new” DE. It feels snappy and runs pretty smoothly.


Ah, I wonder. Maybe this will be par for the course from now on :grinning:

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75% of mine are, and the only one that isn’t yet appears to have the necessary commits made at GitHUb, so I’m hoping that installing gnome-shell-extension-appindicator-git from the AUR does the trick.

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Normal users are recommended to get the extension from extensions.gnome.org.

I guess it doesn’t refer to us :sweat_smile: :rofl:


It works :smiley: so all I can get all four of my extensions working in Gnome 46 :sweat_smile:

We’re not normal… we’re exceptional :innocent:


I just got Gnome 46. Does this mean it is in the stable Arch repo now?

By the way, is there a way to find out from yay the repository from which an installed package originated?


As an example, for an installed package:

yay -Qs gnome-shell

extra/gnome-shell 1:46.0-1 (1.7 MiB 13.4 MiB) [gnome] (Installed)
Next generation desktop shell

Or generally: yay -Ss X for any package X

For more details: yay -Qi X for any installed package X or generally: yay Si X

yay being a pacman wrapper, you could also use pacman with the exact same syntax.

Usually there is ample warning by people posting “why is gnome 46 not in arch yet” in various forums.

Most of my extensions don’t work, so I reset my system to yesterday’s snapshot. I think I’ll wait another month or so before I run yay again…