It takes a long time to establish a WiFi connection [Video added]

Without the conf file RickLinux mentioned, just in case, linuxlife’s solution of disabling wpa_supplicant, masking it, enabling iwd and restarting NM, left the wifi dead. After reboot, it works. I had to connect for the first time to the network with the password, and it connected almost instantly.
Thank you, wifi guru. :grin:

Edit: I want to make an addition for other linux noobs like me.
You can check first, just for sanity and to be sure if you’re like me, what you have installed. You can:

Open the terminal (Ctrl + Alt + T) and do

pacman -Ss wpa_supplicant

Then you can do

pacman -Ss iwd

This is a great newbie tool to “explore” repos and such (hopefully I’m not speaking incorrect things) as both pacman and yay will give you, if found, results of whatever you’re looking for.

pacman -Ss discord

Here’s a screenshot of what it looks like for me!

Going back to the topic at hand, you can then check what is active or not as other people mentioned with the

$ systemctl status (name of the thing you’re checking)

– in this case wpa_supplicant and iwd

After that, you can proceed trying linuxlife’s solution on disabling wpa_supplicant and leaving iwd enabled.

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