Issues in Gimp: how to colorize the circle!?

dear community

i do not know if this is set in the right forum here: i have some issues in the GIMP - program

at the moment i want to create a circle - well i have done some basic steps - and now i think that there must be more

see what i have been reading and following:

But at the moment i do not know how to colorize the circle -
note: i do not want ot fill the are - within the cirle - no: i only want to colize the border of the circle.

how to do that - how can i do that!? - How to achieve this!?

Here is the step-by-step solution:

  1. Make a circular selection, you already know how to do that.
  2. In the menu “Select” click on “Selection Editor”. Selection Editor tab will appear to the right of the canvas.
  3. In the Selection Editor tab, click on the button “Paint along the selection outline” (see screenshot below).
  4. A window titled “Stroke Selection” will appear, you can select the colour, paint tool, line width, etc… Experiment with this a bit to get the result you like.

Good video to watch if you’re having trouble finding your way in GIMP:

Other videos on this channel are pretty good, too, in my opinion.


hi there many many thanks dear Kresimir

this is so awesome - i can t belive it - this forum is a great and a outstanding place. Many many thanks

i will do so - i will work and do some experiments

many thanks

have a great day

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