ISO Image Creator

Don’t forget mintstick - relatively simple, and more difficult to mess up with (and better progress reporting). Also includes a USB format function as well


I stopped using mintstick due to it’s dependency on python-pyparted which seems to sometimes have issues.

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OP, have you tried the latest etcher version? It’s pretty good.

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Installation failed. :unamused:

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The one that comes packaged with MX Linux. Always works. Except for Windows 10 of course!

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ventoy is great, just set it up on a large usb stick and copy multiple ISOs onto it.


Download it from the site as an electron app, it doesn’t need installation.

Free advice

Not meaning to start an iso creator war. I personally recommend against balena etcher. Etcher is an electron mess. Perfect way to bloat a simple utility.
Popsicle gets the work done, and is much lighter. If popsicle is not what you prefer for some reason, then there are other alternatives that users have listed in comments to this post.


That combined with their poor privacy history is why I won’t even download it anymore.


I never ever had any issues with etcher but i used the etcher-git version. Now i use popsicle. I think some people use balena-etcher and i think that’s where maybe the problems happen.

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… and which is the one abailable from pacman, no, no AUR please. Thanks

Not much. dd(cli), isoimagewriter(kde), impression(gnome), gnome-multi-writer and gnome-disk-utility off the top of my head.

thanks!, it is abailable for Xfce4 in pacman.